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Coding Snacks / Image Tile Joiner
« on: November 22, 2011, 02:09 AM »
I have a hard time finding a freeware program where you can joiner images together in nonlinear strip.

Supposedly I have images a,b,c,d,e,f.

I wish to orientate them where I can specify the columns and rows like 2 by 2 or 3 by 2.





Post New Requests Here / Idea: Maximize all Windows
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:36 PM »
I tried to find a solution to maximize all windows in Windows 7 but I haven't found one. I know that the win+d key will minimize and restore all windows, but this method doesn't restore windows after a window is clicked upon. Does someone know of an application that can force all windows on the taskbar to a maximized state?

Finished Programs / DONE: Time each Timer
« on: October 17, 2010, 01:20 PM »
I'm looking a stop watch program that can keep track of multiple times.
I tried MultiTimer but this program lacks the hotkeys to effectively stop and start each timer.
If someone can create a program similar to Multitimer but with hotkeys then I will like to
assign 1 through 0 to toggle each timer to start and pause and resume if pressed.
ctrl 1 through 0 will clear the each timer's elapsed time.

Post New Requests Here / Idea: Download Scheduler
« on: October 13, 2010, 05:54 PM »
I wish to download an ad blocker definition file everyday to a certain folder for updating.

These two files:

Is there a program out there that can look at these links and download them automatically at a certain time of the day?
It will also need to support overwriting of the existing file in the directory that is user-defined.

Post New Requests Here / Idea: Clipboard Mouse Click n Paste
« on: July 30, 2010, 05:36 PM »
I am accustom to use this autohotkey script which allows me to paste the last 5 history items on the clipboard. The problem with this is that you would have to cycle through the list  to get to the items in the history and a key combination is required to be held down for operation. I was hoping someone would be able to add or modify upon this script to make it easier to use.

The features which I request are the following:
Maintain the feature of having the last 5 entries in the list
Able to allow for mouse to to double click any of the entries for pasting
when the mouse goes on any of the 5 entries:
         the hotkey is no longer needed to be held down and only a click elsewhere away from the entries is needed to get out of the clipboard entries view.
         a range of entries is selectable for pasting when the shift key is held down and mouse is clicked on any two of the five entries

Unfinished Requests / Idea: Gnome-Like Taskabr For Windows
« on: January 19, 2010, 02:06 AM »
In the Gnome desktop environment, applications opened will resize themselves to make full use of the task bar, but windows can only have a fixed task bar button width at one time.
Is it a program out there that can replicate this feature for windows?

Post New Requests Here / Idea: Middle Clicking on Tray
« on: August 17, 2009, 10:54 PM »
Idea: Middle Clicking on Tray

Would someone create a script that would allow for middle clicking a tray icon to close a program?

Post New Requests Here / Req - Clickable Tooltips for Pasting
« on: July 30, 2009, 07:28 PM »
Clickable Tooltips for Pasting

I was hoping tha someone could modify this script to make it so that the tooltips are allowed to paste when they are clicked upon.
The windows key and v key are used to cycle through the entries that were copied earlier. I use this to mainly copy text and rename files easier.
The reason that I use this script as opposed to others is that this script does not steal the focus for renaming files.

Code: AutoIt [Select]
  1. clip_index = 0
  2. clip_max = 5
  3. clip_1 = Text
  4. clip_active = 1
  6. CoordMode, tooltip, screen
  8. goto clip_end_label
  10. OnClipboardChange:
  11. if clip_active
  12.         addClip(clipboard)
  13. clip_active = 1
  15. addClip(text)
  16. {
  17.         global
  18.         if text =
  19.                 return
  20.         local old
  21.         old := clip_%clip_index%
  22.         if  old = %text%
  23.                 return
  24.         clip_index := mod(clip_index+1,clip_max)
  25.         clip_%clip_index% = %text%
  26. }
  28. #V::
  29. clip_tmp=1
  30. v_was=1
  31. loop
  32. {
  33.         Loop %clip_max%
  34.         {
  35.                 index := mod(clip_max+clip_index-A_Index+1,clip_max)
  36.                 element := clip_%index%
  37.                 element := ShortenClip(element)
  38.                 i1 := A_Index+1
  39.                 if element
  40.                         ToolTip, %element%, 30+60*(A_Index=clip_tmp), 60*A_Index-50,i1
  41.         }
  42.         res := GetKeyState("LWin","P")+GetKeyState("RWin","P")
  43.         esc__ := GetKeyState("Escape","P")
  44.         if (res=0)
  45.                 break
  46.         if (esc__=1)
  47.                 break
  48.         res := GetKeyState("V","P")
  49.         if res=1
  50.                 if v_was=0
  51.                 loop
  52.                 {
  53.                         clip_tmp := 1+mod(clip_tmp,clip_max)
  54.                         index := mod(clip_max+clip_index-clip_tmp+1,clip_max)
  55.                         element := clip_%index%
  56.                         if element
  57.                                 break
  58.                 }
  59.         v_was := res
  60.         Sleep, 50
  61.         }
  62. Loop %clip_max%
  63. {
  64.         i1 := A_Index+1
  65.         ToolTip, , , , i1
  66. }
  67. if (esc__=1)
  68.         return
  69. index := mod(clip_max+clip_index-clip_tmp+1,clip_max)
  70. clip_active =
  71. clipboard := clip_%index%
  72. Send, ^v
  74. ShortenClip(text)
  75. {
  76.         Loop, Parse, text, `n
  77.         {
  78.                 StringLeft, outline, A_LoopField, 40
  79.                 out = %out%%outline%`n
  80.                 if A_Index>2
  81.                 {
  82.                         out = %out%.....
  83.                         break
  84.                 }
  85.         }
  86.         return out
  87. }
  90. clip_end_label:

Post New Requests Here / Saving Text
« on: July 17, 2009, 08:11 PM »
Often time I find myself copying text to paste it into a file and saving it. It would be nice a hotkey to save directly into a folder after highlighting a text selection.

Function: windows key + spacebar invokes a gui that has allows you to name the file and  define to save in a certain directory

Post New Requests Here / Idea: Renaming Shortcut
« on: June 19, 2009, 12:22 AM »
Idea: Renaming Shortcut

Sometimes I want to automatically use whatever I have in the clipboard and rename the file that is higlighted.
Could someone make a script that send F2, paste and enter to rename a file with the hotkey combination alt 6?

Setting The Same Scroll Rate For Certain Applications

Sometimes the scroll speed of the mouse is not consistent across applications.
Internet explorer tend to scroll slower than other browsers such as Opera or Firefox.
Would it be possible to to change the scroll speed on the fly when certain applications are in focus?

Post New Requests Here / Copying and Pasting with the Mouse
« on: March 08, 2009, 01:34 AM »
Highlighting text and pressing the ctrl key will copy the text

Middle clicking two times will paste the copied text

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Windows Control
« on: January 17, 2009, 03:26 PM »
Function: Restore or Maximize Windows with Double Click with the Right Mouse Anywhere Inside a Window

When a window is in restore mode then double clicking with the right mouse anywhere inside the window will maximize the window.
If the window is in maximized view then doubling clicking with the right mouse will restore the window.

Working with multiple windows can often become a tedious process.  When you want to close all other windows that you don't want to work on, you have to search for the close button or right context menu entry to close the windows. It would be nice to have hotkeys to trigger the following commands that are similar to some browsers features:

Hotkey         Function
WinKey + F2      close all but active window on taskbar
WinKey + F3      close all windows on taskbar
WinKey + F4      locked windows to prevent accidental closures on select windows

Post New Requests Here / Idea: Microsoft Default Windows Management
« on: November 13, 2008, 09:02 PM »
Idea: Microsoft Default Windows Management

Right clicking the taskbar in windows allows you to use the "Cascade windows", "Show the windows side by side" and the "Show windows stacked" command. These features are in Vista, but they are similar to Xp's. Is it possible to assign a shortcut key for these two commands for windows Vista? Such as using the ctrl+shift+1 ,ctrl+shift+2,  ctrl+shift+3 or these three items.

IDEA: Mouse Wheel Scroll Can Cycle Through Applications on Taskbar

1. Hover anywhere on the taskbar and start scrolling up or down on the mouse wheel.

2. Scroll up to cycle through applications to the left.

3. Scroll down to cycle through applications to the right.

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