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It works...

In case others have the same need, here's the  autohotkey script that works

inputbox PatientName, patient name, enter patient's name,,,,0,500
clipboard = %PatientName%
sleep 100
send {break}
sleep 100
send {+}patients %PatientName%

(it took a while to figure out how to send a "+" sign in  autohotkey )

thanks again,

Coding Snacks / Re: structured plaintextfile based note taker
« on: May 23, 2009, 10:27 AM »
Hi, yes I know this is an old topic, but my 2 cents isn't worth a whole new one.

I just had to add this really low tech approach to the txt file note approach.  You keep them all in one folder and refer to other notes (works with txt and rtf or whatever) and refer to other notes by using square brackets
like this [projects.txt] as long as there's only one listed per line, then just have this script in a running autohotkey file from the same folder:

;right mouse double click---------autohotkey to launch simple filename (cursor should be on line )

   If (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500)
;Sleep 500   ; wait for right-click menu, fine tune for your PC
   send {esc}{Home}{Home}+{End}
;sleep 100

send ^c ;selects the entire line and copies it
ClipWait, .40        ; wait for the script to catch up.
sleep 100
send {home}
linestring = %clipboard%
sleep 500

;find the position of the character "[", call it leftmark
bit1 = [
StringGetPos, leftmark, linestring, %bit1%
leftmark := leftmark + 2

;find the position of the character "]", call it rightmark
bit2 = ]
StringGetPos, rightmark, linestring, %bit2%
rightmark := rightmark + 1

stringlength := rightmark - leftmark

thefilename := SubStr(linestring, leftmark , stringlength)

IfExist, %thefilename%
run %thefilename%
IfNotExist, %thefilename%
MsgBox, 260,, the File "%thefilename%" does not exist. Create the file?
IfMsgBox Yes
    FileAppend, %thefilename%, %thefilename%
    SplashTextOn, 320, 100, file created
    Sleep, 400
    run %thefilename%

you can even make a new file by just writing the filename in your current document inside the brackets, then right double-click and voila! there's your new file.

Sorry, no tree structure, and any of the parts of this that I wrote (I stole the right double click part from someone) are probably sloppy from a real programmers perspective, but maybe it'll be useful for someone.. :-)


I'll try that out.

Thanks :)

Thanks, but if I did that wouldn't it limit my search to those two folders for every search?  (I think that's what you're saying). 

What I'd like to be able to do is a) search all folders when I put in any "regular" word, and b) also search //only// those two by adding some indicator in front of what I want to search.  I may however be missing something that would be obvious to others (I don't have any actual programming knowledge).

Would you mind elaborating please?
Thanks again,


I found this topic that seems kind of related:

but I don't understand it.

Is there a simple way to specify only to search a certain folder and one of its subfolders?  I'm using FARR to search for patient files while patients are in the treatment rooms and can see what comes up, so in that senario I don't want all my little text files in different directories coming up, but I don't want to just screen out all txt files.  I'm using an autohotkey input box to get the patient's name and then sending it to FARR that way.

If I add "D:\Gaitscan\" (without quotes) in front of it, it'll find the one folder, and if I add another backslash it finds files in the subfolder but not the "parent" folder.  I tried adding "--" like the thread above was talking about, but it didn't work.

Is there a way to have FARR search this way?

Dave Parker

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