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Living Room / Re: The Beatles Cover Stairway to Heaven
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:50 AM »
There was a TV show here in Australia, with a guy called Andrew Denton who was inspired by Rolf Harris and his version of Stairway to Heaven, each week he would have a different person in to do their versions of it, some spoken some sung.  He compiled a CD of it all eventually, about 50 different versions of Stairway to Heaven (edit--more than 25 but i cant find a pic or exact number and i'm too lazy today to look any harder).  Now that is overkill, lol

Is this the Cd to which you speak?  (

Thanks for posting Rolf's version Carol, that dude is a trip, I love it the more I have thought about it.

General Software Discussion / Re: GemX - missing in action
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:45 AM »
closing down sale maybe ?

I would say that sounds more accurate. 

Removal of the user forums was one of the first things WinOrganizer did before it came to a crawling halt in development.  Leaving a message eerily similar to the one on GemX's announcements page.  As has been discussed here before, all it takes to maintain user forums is some keen individuals with a sort of responsibility about them, and a vested interest in the product.  Not hard to find among any popular software's community.  You don't just remove all your forums and not respond to peoples inquiries.  Unless the whole company was a one man shop and he/she passed away or their computer was stolen for like about 5 months - or maybe they just installed Vista, that would explain everything.

General Software Discussion / Re: GemX - missing in action
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:35 AM »
No, that's actually just to give hope to potential buyers and cash in on a little Xmas $$flow$$.   This company has already made their play, by responding to nothing.  Their website can "say" whatever it wants, everyone knows they have been MIA, how convienent (for them) to show up in time for a lovely little Christmas promotion. 

General Software Discussion / Re: GemX - missing in action
« on: December 20, 2007, 02:24 AM »
I got a "Christmas" mail from them
(must have downloaded some trial at some stage but dont have any of their stuff)

In the spirit of Christmas and New Year celebrations, we have just started a limited time BIG special offer - 50% discount on all GemX applications. Please visit for further details.

I got that too, unbelievable.  The nerve.  I guess sending a promotion like that out and not being able to respond to support issues or maintain a product forum tells all one needs to know about this company.

Living Room / Re: TOP 10 DonationCoder Threads in the year 2017
« on: December 20, 2007, 01:48 AM »
Good list, although I liked your others better, personally.  I liked the Top 3 and #10 is priceless, that one should be in the top 4 for sure.  Thanks for the chuckles.  Again.

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