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Living Room / Re: Laptop hard drive... 5400 or 7200 ?
« on: December 28, 2007, 05:00 AM »
5400.  On the notebook you will NOT notice the difference, except for the price. Not worth the cost, in money and battery duration.


When I got my notebook with a 5400 hard drive, I reformatted and reinstalled drivers & software to my liking.  But I still wasn't satisfied with the performance, so I ordered one of the newer 7200 Seagate notebook drives and I can say there is a night & day difference (for me).

I am moving in the next few days. I am throwing away everything I can bare to throw away so I need no move it. This will include several Compact Flash, USB memory sticks, and hard drives. I will be physically destroying all of them, but I still want to wipe them first. I was looking at Eraser. Has anybody used it? There is plenty of freeware and open source programs of this type, so I don't want to pay for anything. What do you recomment?

My personal favorite <a href="">How to destroy a hard drive (on purpose)</a> (includes disassembling).  I did this with all of my old drives.  Just lovely, and some great fridge magnets when you're done.

Living Room / Re: Ideas to make DC even better
« on: December 26, 2007, 06:35 PM »
If people don't like ads, they should get an "Ad Muncher"  :P   I say give it a try again.

General Software Discussion / Re: Which MP3 tagger do you use?
« on: December 24, 2007, 11:54 AM » ...Hands Down.

General Software Discussion / Re: GemX - missing in action
« on: December 20, 2007, 03:09 PM »
Does anyone else get the feeling certain users (yes, plural) may be suddenly posting on behalf of GemX here (albeit rather softly)? Hmmmm, new, with less than 10 posts and all positive about GemX (...or am I just delusional)

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