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Living Room / Re: Browser Zoom Functionality...
« on: January 16, 2008, 08:55 AM »
I don't like the way IE/Maxthon resizes using a zoom factor, images are crushed and text is quite irritating.  I use NoSquint ( an addon for Firefox, which allows you to zoom in/out (of text) in 1% increments (using Ctrl -/+ shortcut), and it can remember your zoom settings for every domain you visit.  It saves me quite a bit of scrolling on sites, in addition to increasing the readability of some awful website layouts.  NoSquint and TabMixPlus are easily my most important addons for Firefox.

Living Room / Re: Laptop hard drive... 5400 or 7200 ?
« on: January 16, 2008, 08:39 AM »
Oh... there you go again, tempting (tormenting) me! However, I am saved by the the fact that my notebook features a PATA interface, and the new 5400 rpm Samsungs and the latest generation Seagates, Toshiba and Hitachi 7200 rpm drives are all SATA only. Vegas, you note that you have a new Seagate 7200 rpm drive but that it is ATA100/PATA interface, correct? What model is it? Curiosity is killing me (or at least is going to seriously dent my bank account  :-[).

My model is the Seagate Momentus 7200.1 ST910021A 100GB 7200 RPM ATA-6 Notebook Hard Drive for $109 @ NewEgg.  Now a discontinued item (, but I would imagine similar performance from later revisions or competing models, reviews permitting.

General Software Discussion / Re: GemX - missing in action
« on: January 16, 2008, 07:30 AM »
I agree. Why shouldn't we post comments here if we want to? Are GemX going to try to close this forum down as well? Are we not allowed to criticise a piece of software if we want to and post our opinions? This was a totally ridiculous comment to make doublewitt... The only reason people are expressing their opinions here is because there is no other place to do this.

That about sums up how I feel as well.  If a company has done something to deserve being criticized (or applauded), then I see no better place to do so than here, in an open software discussion forum.  And why not in this thread, instead of starting more threads, it was after all started regarding the lack of inaction on the part of GemX.

Living Room / Re: What should I do with my audio CDs?
« on: January 16, 2008, 06:41 AM »
Another shout for dbPowerAmp using c2 correction, or just secure mode, ripping all albums on a second pass if they don't show up in AccurateRip to verify the same exact rip.  I couldn't stand getting rid of my cd's ever, collecting them has been too much of an investment, although I am sure the day will come that putting them in storage will be best for saving space.  I have been ripping my collection to big drives and encoding them to Wavpack so they can be transcoded to any lossy format as needed later.

General Software Discussion / Re: FeedDemon going free
« on: January 15, 2008, 11:21 AM »
FeedDemon is overrated and hyped. FeedReader is better IMO.

Care to elaborate on why?

GreatNews is the best choice for a desktop RSS reader at this time, from my point of view, of course. It is very fast (actually the fastest RSS reader when it comes to checking feeds), is compatible with all the feed formats, is fully Unicode compatible, consumes the less amount of resources, is very stable.

FeedDemon is good-looking and full of features, but it eats a lot of resources (CPU and RAM) especially when it checks feeds (CPU can climb to 100%).

Newzie is also good-looking and has the "killer" feature of auto-arranging the feeds based on the date of the last update. It can also monitor webpages for changes and this feature works really well.

FeedReader had in the past a lot of bugs and problems related to the database (notably extreme slowness). But the new 3.12 alpha works well and is very fast compared to the previous versions (it is the first version that I could use without complaining about slowness). FR does not have tabs however, and this is a big problem for those that want to use the integrated browser. Other than that it is a decent reader.

The real test for the RSS readers would be an endurance one. Someone that has 1000 feeds and uses extensively tagging (labeling), filtering and archiving could do that test for a month and see which reader performs best with a big database.

My top of RSS readers would be:

1. GreatNews
2. FeedDemon
3. Newzie
4. FeedReader

Have you tried it since its latest release (2.6)?  Alot of what was worked on for version 2.6 was improving the speed and eliminating CPU resoruces used.

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