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Best FTP Server / Re: ASRT: What should we do for 4/23?
« on: April 22, 2005, 10:41 PM »
I would also like to add Typsoft FTP Server ( for next weeks review, a program I only recently discovered.  Not very feature packed, but a good simple way to throw up a quick, stable, easy to use FTP server for free. I have tried many others including BPFTP, Serv-U, Gene6 and others, but they have features not always needed.

I too have been using weather pulse for about a week now on my laptop, slick program, better than the other 5 i tried.
Not to mention the updates have been fast & furious since I installed it.  I noticed some banter back & forth on fileforum
between the developer of weather pulse & weather watcher, although i like interface of weather watcher better, you
just can't beat the transparent desktop weather & how stable the program has been for me.

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