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well no matter how you look at it, 99% of the soldiers haven't done anything wrong. so praise & prayer to them. now as to the decisions that were made to put them there and keep them comment.

Living Room / Re: Ideas for thanking donators?
« on: May 30, 2005, 01:21 PM »
I don't see any mention of gifts? The fact is you have already given away free software, expensive even at that. It's a great plug for membership, especially if all you have to do is be a member & be active to have a chance at gettin some.  It doesnt matter to me personally, but anything to get more people into the fold.  ;)

Living Room / Links Page - Best Freeware Development?
« on: May 30, 2005, 01:17 PM »
Here is something I was thinking of when i first saw the links page here, but of course never followed up on it till now ;)  It would be nice to add Top Freeware Developers to the links page as well - if this is something that is doable.  This could be a long messy list, but i was thinking more along the lines of developers who have dedicated themselves over time to providing software  that is: quality, has a well designed interface, is complete, essential/invaluable, reliable, with up-to-date versions, including a wide selection of programs in freeware form.  I would love to kick of a list with three sites that come to mind: (which is what reminded me of the whole idea when mouser posted that link)

I'm sure there are plenty others, I just don't feel like thinking that hard right now, it's a holiday ;)

Living Room / Re: Ideas for thanking donators?
« on: May 29, 2005, 05:22 PM »
ummm how about an active, always evolving site! what else could one ask for? well ok maybe an occasional software giveaway to the random joe user. don't stress your brain too much on this one. :) thanks again for the great community!

Great idea. It would be really nice if you could just have all the sites on the side bar, like you said. Then each each week move some random site (till you have gone through all of them) to the top in larger bold print, with a small description underneath it, then a solid separator to divide it from the rest of the list. Again, great idea. Love the thought going into this site, this is so what people need.  Donationcoder is gonna be a super cool (oh wait it already is, OK even COOLER) resource for softaholics (and everyone else) once all is said & done.

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