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Messages - delwoode [ switch to compact view ]

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I realy like and use qutebrowser.
mostly  keyboard driven but can use the mouse, easy to change the keybindings.

Some of these videos are gone now
If I click on day 16 Today's video looks at the alias launching modifiers, I just get sent to your Youtube channel but that video is not there

Sorry Mouser, ConfigDir.ini is what I had renamed it too.
I moved the folder to the root of the C: drive and now it works as portable
Perhaps adding advice to the Note_for_Portable-Use.txt about not putitng it in Programs dir would be an idea.

I donloaded the latest version, portable, put it in a folder called Portables in my program files folder
I uncommented the lines
in the Confi_Dir_Default.ini
but it still stores it's setting in mydocuments folder not in the portable dir
I also tried making a copy of the Config_Dir_Default.ini file and calling it Config.ini but still no luck

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: AltTab Fingertips v1.3 - 14 Jan 08
« on: January 08, 2012, 04:14 AM »
Tried about a dozen Alt Tab substitutes - ended up choosing this one :-*

Find And Run Robot / where's the info on skinning?
« on: January 08, 2012, 04:09 AM »
Where can I find out about how to make a skin, well actually I just want to know how to modify the skin called "Slender"  basically I want it all black to match my desktop
Obviously someone knows how to or they wouldn't have been able to make skins

Find And Run Robot / auto adding to group alias feature
« on: December 19, 2011, 05:33 AM »
When I say auto adding to group alias I mean if the files are all in one folder like
I have a group alias called simply   txt
In the results section I have added the paths to the txt files
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\todo note.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\fartips.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\workings.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\HotKeys in use.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\web clippings.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\todolist.lnk
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\Thoughts.txt

they are all in the same folder called mynotes
every time I add a new text file to the folder I have to manually open options and add the path to them to the group alias.
It would be great if this wasn't necessary

On my pc the speed is great and if it was faster I would not be able to detect it with my human sight - maybe the inside pc god would know :o

so far my fav. feature is the group alias, so I have
/  to bring up a list of my fav. folders
txt    to bring up a list of my most used text files like todo, addresslist etc.
web  to bring up a list of my fav web sites

I also like the buit in terms like

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRGoogleCalendar
« on: December 18, 2011, 06:06 AM »
Having put in my detials for google I tried using the plugin but it just crashed FARR, so I have erased this plugin it's a bit unstable at the moment.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRGoogleCalendar
« on: December 18, 2011, 05:59 AM »
Plugins and Updates >> Click to Examine and Configure Plugins >> Select Plugin with mouse >> Configure Advanced Plugin Options

Enter your Google credentials and off you go :)
Thanks Nero for taking the time to put me right :)

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRGoogleCalendar
« on: December 18, 2011, 05:55 AM »
I tried to use it for the first time by typing gcal and I got a pop up that said
It looks like this is the first time you are using Farrgoogle calender please configure the plugin.
How exactly do I do that - there is no help text file or anything.

wbmadill had the same problem (see previous page) but got no advice

Re Alias menus
quote You can also use special results so that choosing one item in the result actually triggers a submenu
I would like to see this explained more or maybe an example

Find And Run Robot / Re: suggestion/Wish minimal gui
« on: December 15, 2011, 08:13 AM »
Try choosing a custom search background color with slenderFarr skin. That removed the flickering for me.

Hey that's a great tip - it works for me too - much happier now :)

Find And Run Robot / Re: suggestion/Wish minimal gui
« on: December 15, 2011, 06:26 AM »
LOL, well that part was easy  :-[
now if there was a way to get rid of the title bar above the input text box.
or make it as minimal as possible?

Find And Run Robot / suggestion/Wish minimal gui
« on: December 15, 2011, 04:25 AM »
I would love the option to not have the title bar above the input box or the two icons to the side of it (Help and Options)
I like a more minimal look
I tried the slender farr skin but the input box would flicker noticably when I was inputting text.
To me FARR is better in operations to the other good ones I tried like, Executor, Keybreeze and Launchy
but it is least attractive  :(

Find And Run Robot / bigger thumbnails of images?
« on: December 03, 2011, 01:08 PM »
I have a folder where I keep pictures for sending by emal, it is one of those folders FARR is  set to search
so if I type   cat it shows thumbnails of some cat pics, great feature - trouble is they are too small to see easily it would be nice to have larger thumbnails for pictures - of course you would get less in the list and have to scroll etc.

I have a autohotkey script(fures version of 320mph) that is like a launcher and it shows picture nicely here is a screen shot

What's the Best? / Re: Video Splitter: What's the best AND easiest?
« on: November 16, 2011, 03:55 AM »
I've always found Virtual Dub easy to use

General Software Discussion / Re: custom reminder
« on: October 26, 2011, 03:17 PM »
Yes I think he is no longer developing it but I still use it as I havent found anything I like better and if it does what you want who cares.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Macro Express - MiniReview
« on: October 11, 2011, 06:41 AM »
The macro recorder that comes with AutoHotkey is the worst on to use! really dont know why they haven't updated it - there are better ones made by users -you have to check the forums - I havent used them in a long time - I think one was calley Easy.ahk
If I had to go back to a macro maker I would use V.task studio

General Software Discussion / Re: Your most used SPECIAL programs
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:18 AM »
Things I would install on my pc if I had to reformat or I got a new one:

Your Uninstaller (never let me down once)
Quick Note  quick note
ObjectDock (best features leas memory use)
Keybreeze  (I now use this instead of FARR, simply because of the excellent sticky note/reminder feature)
PopPeeper   to check me email for me
StokeIT     best mouse gesture program - uses so little memory it's ridiculous!
Sygate personal firewall
Registry workshop   most reliable and safest That i have used
BB Flash Back screen recorder
Reaper for music mixing/remixing

General Software Discussion / Re: custom reminder
« on: October 10, 2011, 06:59 AM »
just use Keybreeze - as well as being a launcher like FARR the main reason I use it and have abandoned FARR is because of it's excellent stickynotes/reminder feature just watch the video
keybreeze video

Find And Run Robot / Re: setting to exit FARR after search?
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:51 AM »
oh thanks that's great to know.

Find And Run Robot / setting to exit FARR after search?
« on: September 10, 2011, 04:54 AM »
I would prefer not to have FARR running all the time but have it automatically quit after doing a search/launch  I cant find a setting for this. Is there a way of achieving this. I use AutoHotkey and would prefer to sumon FARR with a hotkey when I want it and then have it exit until next time I want to call it from my autohotkey keyboard shortcut.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA skrommels do or del but different angle
« on: September 09, 2011, 02:59 AM »
Skrommels Do or Del script = at the moment if you dont type in the correct pass on startup it deletes certain "sensitive folders"
I would like something similar but instead of Deleting if it could just protect them somehow - like scrambling/encrypting the contents or stopping the folder from being opened?

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