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General Software Discussion / Re: Managing Favourites
« on: August 30, 2005, 03:30 PM »
I had tried Bookmark Buddy before and taken a dislike to it. However I have grown to trust the opinions of people round here so I have been taking another look.

On the plus side it's quick and light. It also has almost all of the functionality that I want.

The only real functional gaps for me are that I wish it would get keywords from the sites as I bookmark them and that the search seems a little more buried than in Powermarks or Linkman.

The bit that I am still not keen on is the interface. Not being able to see the sub-categories until you select a category makes me feel like I am wearing blinkers. I am going to persevere though in case it grows on me.

I had missed how good it was though and once again this forum has proved the collective knowledge of it's members.

General Software Discussion / Re: Macro programs - advice sought...
« on: August 23, 2005, 03:53 PM »
You could add Robotask to that list as well.

General Software Discussion / Managing Favourites
« on: August 23, 2005, 11:34 AM »

Does anyone have any recommendations for tools that manage favourite website URLs? I have used Kaylon's Powermarks and Outertech's Linkman in the past, but both now feel to have been abandoned to a greater or lesser extent. Powermarks also doesn't play well with many of the new browsers (I mostly use Maxthon).

If you are familiar with either of the above you will have guessed that I like to collect a lot of bookmarks and then categorize them by keyword. Folder-based structure tend to force you into a single categorisation that I find restrictive.

I guess the ideal would be a marriage of the flexible filing of Powermarks, the monitoring capabilities of Aignes WSW and the past version caching of Copernic Tracker.

I'm pretty sure that there isn't a perfect match out there, but is there something that I've missed?


The biggest problem with the Techsmith codec has always been making sure that people install it first. Lots of people seem to get very nervous when you ask them to install a codec.

I would add Camtasia to the list.

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