- Posts:
- 8 (0.001 per day)
- Gender:
- Male
- Age:
- N/A
- Location:
- Portland, Oregon, USA
- Date Registered:
- December 11, 2005, 02:37 PM
- Local Time:
- September 18, 2024, 04:27 PM
- Last Active:
- January 04, 2012, 11:51 AM
- User's website title:
- Redfern Place
- User's website url:
- http://www.redfernplace.com
- About me:
- I've spent the last 20 years developing embedded systems software for color printers and display technologies. These days I'm managing a team of developers building software development tools for specific microprocessor cores. I started programming in 1982 when my family purchased an original first-gen IBM PC. That's right, a screaming 4.77MHz CPU with a green screen. My current machine is about 555 times faster and runs about the same speed.
- Signature
- --Kevin
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