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Finished Programs / Re: IDEA: Photo Downloader Kiosk
« on: October 15, 2008, 10:17 PM »
haha I'm a junior too, and I already explained my circumstances.

and, is Skrommel still working on it, or has he gone on to better projects?

Finished Programs / Re: IDEA: Photo Downloader Kiosk
« on: October 15, 2008, 06:10 AM »
or if you just want to run it without making an exe, just double click it (once installing AutoHotKey, of course)

Finished Programs / Re: IDEA: Photo Downloader Kiosk
« on: October 11, 2008, 08:46 PM »
The aspect ratio just seems like a good thing -- what if a naive user thinks the kiosk is changing his photos so people are stretched? (lol)

It wasn't really greying (disabling, I'm assuming you meant?), but instead of a green check it was a green box inside the checkbox.

Only one dialog popped up, and I thought that was for the folder to check, not the destination folder.  Hmm.

Finished Programs / Re: IDEA: Photo Downloader Kiosk
« on: October 11, 2008, 03:43 PM »
Wow, that's great too, Target.  A couple of things:
The polling doesn't work with my card reader, because when you remove the card, the drive itself still exists (it just says Removable Disk whatever), so your script launches the kiosk every second, which says "No images found, remove card and press OK."  Also, the thumbnails were stretched to fit the square rather than keeping the aspect ratio & whitespace.  Also, when I selected all, then none, rather than clearing the checkboxes, it made them all completely colored in.  Wow, bad word choice.  Here's non-checked: [ ], here's checked: [v], here's "colored in": [#].  When I clicked each individual checkbox, it cycled through those three settings rather than just checked/unchecked.  Finally, I'm not quite sure how to set the destination folder.  Other than that, it's great.

Finished Programs / Re: IDEA: Photo Downloader Kiosk
« on: October 10, 2008, 05:53 AM »
That's strange -- I didn't notice that!  Well, a lot of them are duplicates, so if you look in the thumbnails view you should be able to find the refresh, plus, minus, and download to disk icons.

As for the photo preview,
That would be great too!  Maybe have a checkbox on the preview so that they can check it from there too?

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