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Topics - Fangas [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
General Software Discussion / FileNanny
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:15 AM »
I'm rebuilding my system after crash. When I went to install FileNanny, it wasn't what I remembered.

The one I had set in the Context Menu and simply asked "File Nanny this". At which time, it created a folder, placed the target file in it, then left it in the originating folder.

The one I have asks for a name, then disappears.

I have to admit, XP is doing very odd things, and I'm in the process of a planned Clean Install. It could be me.


Finished Programs / SOLVED: Create folder icon within folders INI
« on: December 14, 2010, 08:21 AM »
First post here, by far not the first visit. Hope I'm doing this right and in the right place.

I'm looking for a Context Menu selection to create a new icon for the folder. It would copy a chosen icon to that folder, create a Desktop.Ini, then point the Ini to the copied icon within the folder.

My goal is to have an easy (lazy) way to embed the icon within the folder so that when I copy it to a thumb drive the icon stays with it.

I hope that explains it.


Pages: [1]