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General Software Discussion / Re: What would you experts use?
« on: July 22, 2009, 05:57 AM »
The more I look at it, the more it seems FARR would be perfect if it had a small addition. I'm curious if someone would be interested in coding it?

The normal mode of FARR where it searches and displays matches for filenames is perfect for that half, and I like that it sorts relevancy, etc.

I'd be willing to donate to someone's beer fund if we could figure out a way to also add a grep function that would display in perhaps a lower window under the normal FARR results. Specifically, I have a single text file with a ton of normal text that I'd like it to search for and grep results.

So in theory, my user would hit a hotkey, type what they want and it would both search the normal FARR way but also return results as people type that match information in the text file. I don't need anything special like all kinds of regex stuff, just needs to match what I'm typing as I type it :)

If anyones interested, please let me know! I'd love to work together with someone on this. As a 911 dispatcher, any chance we get to shave even seconds off how long it takes to look something up, we love it. :)

General Software Discussion / Re: What would you experts use?
« on: July 20, 2009, 10:05 AM »
I checked out the WDS plugin and it works well. I don't think I'll be able to get away with having to load windows desktop search on 60 computers and tune it to only check 1 folder though :/

Also I'm missing the instant results I get with baregrep. Anyone know of a grep plugin for FARR? :)

Still gotta check out tinyeverything

General Software Discussion / Re: TheBrain / Personal Brain
« on: July 20, 2009, 09:31 AM »
For little projects I've been using MindMeister and it works pretty well.

General Software Discussion / Re: What would you experts use?
« on: July 20, 2009, 09:04 AM »
Ok I hadn't seen those yet, I'll check 'em out. Is there any way to make it so people don't have to put ws in front of their searches and it would just search the normal FARR way and with ws?

General Software Discussion / What would you experts use?
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:24 AM »

I work in a 911 center where we have a ton of word docs, image files, pdfs, etc on all kinds of things supporting police, fire and medical services. We're looking for the best way to have instant access to the info we need.

The progression over time has gone from huge binders, to an internal sharepoint page, to something like baregrep and FARR which gave me the info I needed as fast as I could type it.

My problem now is, there are several users who are not especially computer savvy and we'd have a hard time getting them converted to using different programs for different things.

What I'm looking for is *one* app that someone could use where they could hit a hotkey, start typing and have the proper thing float to the top, whether it was the name of a file or somewhere in the contents of the file. If I could wave a magic wand, it would have the relevance and filename-searching features of FARR but combined with the grep-on-the-fly feature of baregrep.

It seems like something like this is already around but I have yet to find it.

If you guys had a ton of various filetypes and wanted to be able to instantly get to the relevant one you wanted, what would you use?


Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR for multiple users over network?
« on: March 16, 2009, 06:49 PM »
I set up my local FARR and made it the way I wanted it, then just manually copied everything to a shared network drive and it still seems to work. It's a little slower than it is normally of course but its still way faster than the old way which was open a browser, go to our internal site, click search, use the drop downs to select our little corner of the site, type in what we want to search for and peruse through 500 unrelated results.

FARR is much much much better and everyone is very happy, thanks again :)

DC Gamer Club / Re: Quake Live
« on: March 01, 2009, 07:46 AM »
I tried to play it but I was always like 26,000th in the queue :p

Hi all!

I've recently started using FARR at the 911 dispatch center I work at. Over the years, several thousand documents worth of contact information, policies and procedures, maps, daily recaps etc have stacked up. Initially all this information was in binders all over every nook and cranny of the room, but we've recently digitized it all and stored it on a shared network drive.

Right now FARR does a great job of finding something if we happened to include it in the filename or folder it resides in, my question is if there's a way to add tags to the files or folders so more stuff shows up while searching?

For example if there's a document called noisepolicy.doc: Some people who only vaguely know what they're looking for might try searching for construction, animals, party etc, but the doc they're looking for might only show up if they type noise.

How is everyone handling large amounts of files where you may not necessarily know the exact file name?

Find And Run Robot / FARR for multiple users over network?
« on: March 01, 2009, 03:29 AM »
Hi all!

Mouser thank you for the wonderful program, I've been using it at home for a year now :)

I work at a 911 communications center taking emergency calls. We've recently made an effort to consolidate all the "call out book" information we have on file for the cities we dispatch and take calls for, FARR has shown to be a huge bonus in helping us find specific information very quickly. We just pointed it at the root directory and it did the rest :)

My question is how multiple users can use the same installation of FARR over the network. I started out by loading it on a shared network drive which everyone accessed via a shortcut. It seems to work fine and there even has not been much of a slowdown, but I did notice that if one user chooses to ignore a search result, that doesnt replicate to other people running the same farr.exe from the same shared directory. Are the exceptions and ignore commands stored locally?

There are several users at all different ranges of computer experience level. I'm hoping I can administratively set it up one way for all users to share. :)

Anyone know of a way to copy/paste text/files between 2 computers on different networks? I have a laptop with a wireless connection as well as my normal desktop which has separate cable modem access.

* Programs like VNC allow copy/pasting but only after I've established a connection which also has all kinds of unwanted screenshots giong back and forth.
* There's also programs like synergy which allow mouse and keyboard commands to transverse computers over ip address.

Seems like the technology would exist to allow copy/paste by ip address but I can't find anything :p

ContextMenu Commander / Re: When?
« on: June 08, 2008, 05:49 PM »
Will context commander be something I can use to copy some text, right click and get a bunch more options to (for example) paste into a specific website? I've been looking for something that could do that with ahk but haven't found it yet.

I didn't see an option for it to return lines inside of a file though, did I miss that somewhere? I only saw it return file names that matched what I was searching for :)

Ya I use grep a lot when I'm running through *nix logs, but the systems we use at work are windows based and therefore don't have grep handy.

Until if/when someone makes the farr plugin, I've been using baregrep with some success. I like how its able to bring me my results fast on the fly rather than a search or cmd line where I have to enter a string and hit enter. For my purposes, I may not know exactly what I'm looking for until I find it by randomly entering strings :p

General Software Discussion / Re: Super lite PIM? Address book?
« on: May 11, 2008, 05:15 PM »
I was checking out baregreppro and it looks like it would be great for this purpose, I just need to have all my various files in txt format and in the same directory.

I had a thread that talked about finding an application that would search a file for a specific word and return the entire line just like FARR does with files, but as I kept looking more and more into FARR it dawned on me that someone with actual coding skills could make a FARR plugin that does the same thing in about 30 seconds :p

I thought this would be a more appropriate place to put the request.

In short, I'm a 911 dispatcher and require access to lots of various info very quickly. I'd love to dump all that random stuff into a file. I'd put each contact, location, protocol or whatever I want at my fingertips on a new line in the file, then it would pop up as I would type along with the matching files like a normal FARR search.

Whee! Whoever makes this plugin will be making my city a safer place!

General Software Discussion / Re: Super lite PIM? Address book?
« on: May 09, 2008, 06:16 PM »
I keep meaning to write this plugin for FARR or encourage someone else to write it.  A simple text-file information lookup plugin would be so useful and simple.  It's long overdue.

I'll beta test it! :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Super lite PIM? Address book?
« on: May 09, 2008, 08:15 AM »
When I loaded the newest version it said it needed firefox or ie7, and that ie6 was not supported.

General Software Discussion / Re: Super lite PIM? Address book?
« on: May 08, 2008, 11:13 PM »
Evernote seems like it could be cool for me to utilize personally but not as something I could use in my workplace since the norm is still ie6 which is currently unsupported.

I definitely love how it can search on the fly as I type, that's a huge thing I'm looking for.

All these programs, even the tiny contactsexpress are too feature rich for what I was originally looking for. I should have named this thread "Looking for super duper tiny Lite basic version PIM?" :p

I was hoping there was a program that pops up with a hotkey, has a simple query search box and displays lines from a pre-existing file that match whatever you type. Then I could open the file, copy paste from all the data sources into it, make sure there's 1 entry per line and call 'er good.

I'll probably end up hiring someone to make a tiny custom app to accomplish my goal, wonder if this would be easier as a web application rather than a standalone desktop app? Sorry for the random way my brain works :p

General Software Discussion / Re: Super lite PIM? Address book?
« on: May 08, 2008, 09:52 PM »
Sorry if I offended anyone, the version I downloaded and tried said copyright 1999, maybe they just didn't update their little stamp :)

I did in fact download it and play around before I posted, and I do appreciate you replying with something that could help. I was too hasty with my response. :(

Thanks for the heads up on Evernote, I'll give it a try now.

General Software Discussion / Re: Super lite PIM? Address book?
« on: May 08, 2008, 08:42 PM »
Hrm it looks a little over the top for my uses, plus it was last updated in 1999, that's kinda scary :p

General Software Discussion / Super lite PIM? Address book?
« on: May 08, 2008, 05:15 PM »
I'm an emergency / 911 dispatcher and several times during the day I need to very quickly transfer a call or look up a number or address while several things are going on at the same time.

Currently we've been using a number of loose papers filled with this kind of info, but as you can guess they very quickly get outdated, torn, lost, edited, scribbled on, etc. The built in address book on the phone system is extremely clunky with no search function whatsoever, so that's no help.

I've been daydreaming of a simple, yet extremely efficient application that can allow me to put all this info at my fingertips but so far all the PIM and Address book software I've been trying out are *way* too overpowered for what I'm looking for. I'm hoping if I list out the small wishlist I have that someone can point me in the right direction or just whip it up :P

If I could wave a magic wand I'd create something like FARR or nDroid but made to scan a couple files of info and return matching lines rather than various directories returning matching files.

For example I could hit a hotkey to start the program, start typing Smith and any line in the file that matches what I type would show up as I type (rather than a submit button).

I'd also need just an input text box that would allow me to copy paste info into it to add to the file of phone numbers, emails and whatever other misc info.

Extra credit would be a way to arrow key up and down the list of results and be able to hit a hotkey like alt-e to edit that line directly rather than having to manually go edit the overall file.

Extra extra credit would be if the program could convert urls and email addresses to links which would be displayed if that line matched the search query somehow.

Anyone know of a program that can do this that I can try out?

I wish I had better programming skills, this seems like something someone can make very quickly if they were so inclined :p

It works pretty good :p

One issue is that some of the urls require an id for the server, at the moment its hard coded for Balnazzar...if you made it in AHK I could probably tweak it to say if its this server, use this id, etc.

Also if we added another input we could use it to search for items on wowhead/thottbot/google.

I really appreciate your quick work on this, especially since you don't even play warcraft :p I'd be more than happy to help tweak it so its even more useful for a large number of players. :)

Wow sweet :) Can't wait.

Oh to clarify, the thottbot, curse, wowhead and google searches are for anything like equipment and quest information. The armory, forum post, and rep calc search boxes are the only ones that have a need for the realm and name input boxes.

Are you using ahk to make it?


Well here's an example of what I would use it for. On that page all the searches are geared for Balnazzar since it's the server I play on. I have to kinda hardcode the server variable with hidden inputs and stuff, then pass the playername variable in via the input box. Instead of 4 separate input boxes that are all individually asking for the player name, I'd rather ask once and then pass the playername variable to all 4 input boxes and open them on the same browser page separated by frames or something. :p

I guess I really just need to know how to take the playername and inject it into the <form> code for all 4 :(

I play warcraft and very frequently need to look up people and check their equipment, reputation, board posts etc. So far I've managed to do it all individually at the search page I made at, but I know there's a way to make it so I only have to enter the realm and playername once and have it open a website with all those searches done automatically.

It seems as simple as taking in 2 variables, realm and username, then plugging those variables in to the url or feeding it to the page via the form post method.

I was playing with ahk but I'm horrible when it comes to variables, and also couldn't figure out how to make all the pages show up in the same browser window like via frames.

I'm sure someone with some actual coding skills can do this in 10 seconds :p

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