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Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR alt tab 2.0 beta
« on: September 10, 2009, 09:14 AM »
can you elaborate a little more what you want to have added?

Sure!  Seeing the world (of my computer) from my vantage point, I now view FARR as the starting point, or jumping off point, as the case may be, for pretty much everything.  Right now, with FARR's Search Folders, Heuristic Scoring, Aliases/Groups, and the Scoring options for all of those items, I can almost instantly bring up anything on my computer by typing Alt-Space (or Pause/Break, obviously, which also requires holding down the Function key on my machine), with one sole exception:  Open Windows/Running Apps.

What I envision is (whether through a Plugin or natively, I don't care) the ability to add Open Windows/Running Apps to the results list.  Perhaps, in fact, it could be another List option in the Program Options dialog.  That way, depending on how it's scored, if I type Alt-Space followed by a string that's found in the title of an open window (and/or, perhaps, the name of an open app), it would show up in the results list somewhere.

Does that clarify?

Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR alt tab 2.0 beta
« on: September 10, 2009, 08:14 AM »
I'm really enjoying the instant switchover to an open window.  There is one thing that I'd like to mention, by way of ease of use, and this involves integration of Plugins more so than the FaRRAltTab plugin per se', I guess.  I have a hotkey of Alt-Space for FARR and Ctrl-Space for FaRRAltTab.  Sometimes, I hit one when I meant the other, and I don't think it's because I can't remember which is which:  The thing is, in my mind, at least, I associate FARR as being the one go-to place to change modes/do something different.  I don't really care if it's run a new program or switch to one that's already open.  The reason I switched to FARR from a combination of AHK scripts, SlickRun, Launchy, Switcher, etc. is that I really think it can be the "one ring that binds them all" - and, with plugins, it definitely can be.

But somehow I see this function as something that would ideally fit within the heuristics scoring of FARR.  It already searches aliases, the file system, plugins, etc. - why not running apps/open windows?  If you don't like it, turn it off or set the score really low; if you love it, set the score high.  I'm only speaking idealistically here, of course, not from a program complexity standpoint...

Is it possible for a plugin to add to FARR's internal search path?

Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR alt tab 2.0 beta
« on: September 09, 2009, 04:33 PM »
Just fyi - I've been using the beta for the past few days, with no problems whatsoever.  Do you want future discussion in this thread, or the original one?

Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR Google Calculator Plugin
« on: September 08, 2009, 11:33 AM »
It took me a minute, but I did manage to spot the difference... ;)  I made that one change and it works perfectly.  It's a lot slower than JSCalc, obviously, so I'll continue to use it for everything it'll do, but Google Calc has some interesting capabilities...  Thanks!

Find And Run Robot / Re: FARR Google Calculator Plugin
« on: September 07, 2009, 02:48 PM »
I've never been able to get gcal to work - no matter what I type, I get "Nothing found.", but I don't have any idea how it's supposed to work, either.  When I installed the czb pack, I got some html help files, but with the exception of JSCalc, all the help topics just say something about typing in text for the "New Tiddler".  Does anybody else have it working, or know how it's supposed to work?

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