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Thank you. I have totally missed the three semi-colon trick. I'll be playing with it.

When you first start to play with a powerful piece of software, you don't know what it can do, then you think it can do anything.

I can get FARR to take the info from the box and write it to an ini file with nircmd. But then can I have another program launched (an AHK script) that will use that ini file? I'm not seeing it right now. Is there a way to do this - to get FARR to do two things when I hit enter?

Find And Run Robot / Re: last window id
« on: February 05, 2010, 11:06 AM »
I got it to do what I wanted! It uses an open Directory Opus window if one exists. I took out

Code: AutoIt [Select]
  1. ; Directory Opus
  2. else if f_class in dopus.lister
  3. {
  4.         ControlSetText, Edit2, %f_path%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
  5.         ControlSend, Edit2, {Right}{Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
  6.         return
  7. }

in the middle of the script, and added my little script

Code: AutoIt [Select]
  1. else ifwinexist, ahk_class dopus.lister
  2. {
  3.         run,C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe /cmd GO "%f_path%"
  4.         winactivate ahk_class dopus.lister
  5. }

just before the last "else".

It worked. :P Now it will switch to the chosen folder if Directory Opus is open, or start Directory Opus if not.

Powerful idea, cardboard42. Nice modifications, skajfes and rulfzid. Thanks for the help, ewemoa.
FARR is great.

Find And Run Robot / Re: last window id
« on: February 04, 2010, 10:21 AM »
IIUC, the ahk files were moved into a subfolder named "AHK files".  Do you see such a folder?

Well, uh, yes I do. :-[

That was kind of stupid.

Thanks. I'll try to look at it.

Find And Run Robot / Re: last window id
« on: February 03, 2010, 08:28 PM »
New to FARR and having a gooood time playing with it and understanding its power.  :up:

FarrFolders is a very nice addon/alias, works great! I have a couple of really simple AutoHotKey scripts that I use to go to my most used folders in Directory Opus. I have them check to see if Directory Opus is open and then use that window if it is. Is there any way to get FarrFolders to use that behavior instead of opening the folder in a new window every time?

I read an earlier version of the FarrFolders.ahk, and I really didn't see how I could modify the Directory Opus part to do what I wanted, and the latest FarrFolders only comes with a compiled version any way. So I guess I guess I'm asking for a favor or some help or guidance and direction. Can I get FarrFolders to use an open window if one exists?


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