Messages - olcaym [ switch to compact view ]

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DesktopCoral / Desktop Coral and MS Access
« on: January 21, 2016, 04:23 AM »

I am using your software quite a long time. I am very satisfied with it.
I am using it to keep my company's general data on the left side of the screen. The software is MS Access which I wrote. Recently, during the software requery, it gets out of the desktop coral area by itself. This does not happen on all requeries, just sometimes (maybe once every 3-5 days). Is it my software (I changed nothing) or what? It is MS Access 2000 working on Windows 7.


Skrommel's Software / Single Instance
« on: September 25, 2009, 07:56 AM »
Thank you for your efforts...

Single Instance help me not to open calculator more then once. This is wonderful. But, suppose I am running a software, opened calculator once made a calculation and turned back to software, say MS Word. Now the software is running in front and calculator cannot be seen. When I need the calculator again, I pushed the calculator button on the keyboard! Now Single Instance closes the second calculator (which is in front), but I obviously need calculator in front??? Is it possible to bring the only instance in front on the desktop (if it is not a big deal)??


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