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Messages - Gretch68 [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY 2015 Release: WhenLast (Android app)
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:17 PM »
I'm mostly a lurker here. Count me in too. Love beta testing.  A chance to break stuff for fun  ;D

Find And Run Robot / Farr Search Aliases- Am I missing something?
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:10 PM »
I am a long timefarr  user and a fairly recent  DC Member. This is my first post. 

Before I start I tried searching for the answer and I am by no means a programmer but I am trying to understand how use farr to create search aliases that work like quick searches in firefox.  Basically I am trying to figure out how to translate these kinds of quick searches to Farr from firefox

Here's what I am trying to do. I have a keyword search setup in firefox.
keyword = bk
search string/location = http://www.booksamil...y=%s&where=Books

I think that I want to replace the %s search criteria with $$1 in Farr.  What I can't figure out with farr is how to get it to include the rest of the search string which is not varible when I use this kind of query.

I guess I don't understand enough about FARR and the syntax it uses to get this to work.  I hope I am making some sense.  Any help is appreciated.  I really want to learn and understand how to do these more complex searches in FARR.

Thanks.  This is a great site :)


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