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Topics - apogee22 [ switch to compact view ]

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Hello I am a development team member for the free, windows based, open source "Winboard 4.5 Accessible Chess", also know as "Winboard 4.5 for JAWS and NVDA". JAWS and the free NVDA are screen reader products for the blind unconnected to Xboard/Winboard. The program is a modification of the XBoard/Winboard Chess GUI and Internet Chess Server Client (ICS) all under the GNU license. This Chess program serves the blind, partial sighted and anyone who can not use a physical mouse such as C5 level Quadriplegics.

Essentially the program is completely keyboard operable and the JAWS or NVDA's speech synthesis relays Chess moves, current board conditions, ICS server output and chat in real time. Low sighted players may adjust piece, square and font sizes and colors or use high contrast mode. Initial program release was Sept. 2009. The program occupies 1.5 megs as a download and 3.5 setup.

Winboard 4.5 Accessible Chess has all of the functions of regular Winboard and so represents the state of the art among chess GUIs. It uses and creates standard Chess and Chess Variant game and position files including PGN, FEN and EPD. The program interfaces free and commercial component Chess engines such as the Super Grand Master class "Houdini" and the free Super GM class "Stockfish" among many many more and comes installed with one regular and 2 variant Chess engines. Alone is Winboard's ability to play many different Chess variants including Shogi, Chinese Chess (XiangQi), Capablanca, Atomic etc. Languages are English, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Russian. This program is mostly the work of Harm Gert Muller; Physicist, Master Programmer and Author of  world class minimalist and variant Chess engines. Find his fascinating site here: http://home.hccnet.n...muller/max-src2.html

Please spread the word, contribute to the project or use the newest upgraded versions of Xboard (nix) and WinBoard as your own Chess GUI/ICS client and I'll catch you at FICS (Free Internet Chess Server) where I play occasionally as "tunguska". Best Regards, Apogee22

Downloads and Info;
Sourceforge Home: https://sourceforge....ja/?source=directory
Winboard Home:;t=51528&start=1
Newest 'Regular' Winboard Downloads:

Post New Requests Here / I dont like popup balloons
« on: May 21, 2009, 10:07 AM »
I was sitting here this fine mid-western spring morn calling the bank to inquire about an overdraft that IS a mistake and on hold and messing with my chess GUI, Arena, and then it happened.

Pop up Balloons.

I've had it with them. Ive NEVER used them. They scare me when they 'pop up' suddenly. Just like the toaster scares me sometimes when it pops up unannounced. I want them bereft of life and demised and ex-pop up balloons.

What is the common denominator for these attackers? Is it an Active X thing? Is there something I can prevent from loading in the wonderful Code Stuff "Starter" utility (which itself has the most unapproachable balloon tip policy access)? Needles to say I have approached this in App setups and the Windows XP Pro reg wherever possible but many persist even inside of Windows XPP. I don't like pop up balloons. :D  >:(  :Thmbsup:

Post New Requests Here / Activation inside of Dialog
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:02 PM »
 I come across allot of windows in WinXP where the window is active but may not be scrolled, with the wheel, until I click inside of it somewhere.
This usualy expands a folder that I didnt want expanded and have to then close to proceed.

Some windows are scrollable with the wheel from the moment they are called, some you have to click inside of before ya can scroll with the wheel. Id like like to start scrolling with the wheel before I have to "click in".    8)

Best Regards,

Post New Requests Here / "IDEA: " Auto Fit for Explorer windows
« on: December 26, 2007, 03:10 PM »

Glad to be here!  ;D

I've found it most annoying for a long time to go into Win Explorer and many many other programs and find all the columns overlapping themselves hiding the names of my files and other details. Ctr + (numb+) works to straighten it all out but I would be very much happier if this were automatic.

I have been looking for a long time and am shocked this isn't a common utility. Only now I have discover that this function is called in some cases "Auto-fit". I would also like to see "Details" view at all times in a "Save File As" dialog and similar dialogs.
Can ya help me?

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