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hi Seedling

Great to see the new additions!  :D
Big thanks!

Though, I can't seem to get the keywords to function.

Tested "Love", in

a) Title (according to Foobar2000 - 129 files contain the string "love")
b) Artist --- (according to Foobar2000 Love, Love Psychedelico and G Love And Special Sauce -- should have come up)
c) Album (according to Foobar2000 - 129 files contain the string "love")
d) All Keywords (according to Foobar2000 - 190 files contain the string "love")

Yet got purely random results, as though Keywords were not used as filter at all.
What ID3 tag versions does RMTM search?

"Use Keywords" and "Set Keywords as Priority" were ticked

Playlist limited to 60 mins, min duration = 10 mins
All genres selected
MP3 only ticked (100% MP3 collection)
Redundancy = 5

AMD Athlon 64 - 3500+

Hope this helps --- let me know if you need any further info.

All the best
and thanks again.

A brief aside that springs to mind: why not auto tick any keyword field where the user enters data and auto untick any field which is clear of data. Just a thought.


General Software Discussion / Re: Inadvertent Googling in Spanish
« on: January 13, 2008, 09:00 PM »
There's always Scroogle, that's my default with K-Ninja (browser)

Works for me:

no cookies
no search-term records
access log deleted within 48 hours

Have a feeling there's a Scroogle search plugin for Firefox too.

That's all I can think of (as remotely helpful) --- good luck.


General Software Discussion / Re: Inadvertent Googling in Spanish
« on: January 13, 2008, 08:46 PM »
Does this work?


glad you like the idea, -- hardly critical stuff -- but it would be a really nice additional function to have IMHO.

anyway, thanks for considering it; i'll keep an eye out for developments.

all the best


hi seedling,

Hope you had a good christmas and new year. Have been using RMTM v1.8.30.82, and enjoying it v. much.

I have a minor (probably not in code terms) suggestion, related to the Keyword section, which arises from this:

Say I want to have 5 random songs by the band "Love" included in my playlist, I get stacks of songs with "Love" in the TITLE. Is there anyway you could include these options?


What do you think?


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