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hi seedling

minor bug to report:

in the latest version the "Redundancy Check" filters the "Must Have List":

eg. Redundancy = 1

2 Rolling Stones in the Must Have List

Output = 1 Rolling Stones song.

I'm assuming "Must Have" has to trump all other filters, since it's MUST Have.

All the best

(ps. enjoying the new version v. much!)


re: window size:  i just checked my copy and it seems to retain the window size i last have it set to.  i will say that there is a minimum window size set statically to 800 x 600 (for folks who still use this antiquated display size) so you can't make it any smaller than that.  i'm not exactly sure if this is what you're experiencing.  but if you enlarge, stretch, or whatever beyond its minimum size, it should (and does with my copy) retain that window size and position to be restored upon next run.  i suppose i could get rid of the 'minimum size' to allow the form to be shrunk down (if so desired); is this what you're asking for?

I've worked out what it is:

As you may be able to see from the screenshot, I have a double-width Taskbar (see the chunk of blue below the Start button). Thus RMTM was indeed remembering that its last position was Maximised (res. = 1024 x 768). However it was also (and still is) making an assumption that my Taskbar is single-width. Thus as you can see in the screenshot - the bottom of RMTM is hidden behing the Taskbar and there is headroom at the top -- you can see the other application (foobar) is at the very top of the screen. This is why I couldn't move the window around - as the program believes it is maximised (and in a sense it truly is) it just doesn't look like it; and thus the program is not truly returning to its previous position on last exit. (The Screenshot was taken having closed a Maximised RMTM and then re-opened it --- I should have made that clear).

I hope that explains the problem. Only awkward folk like me (who have double-width taskbars) will experience this problem. Give it a go if you're happy to mess around with your desktop, icons, quicklaunch stuff and you use Win XP.

Hope this clarifies the window position problem -- let me know if I''m still not being clear.

As regards the other stuff.
Cool on both counts (M3U drag and drop, and ID3 v2)

All the best


hi seedling

have been using the new version and it's working a treat!  :)

thought you might like to know of a couple of really minor issues you may want to look into:

1) There seems to be a problem with the window when the program is started. It always defaults to the position below:

2) I thought it was possible to drag a .m3u playlist into the "must have list" or "blacklist" (though I could be wrong? -- perhaps it never was? --- if so, please ignore.)

3) Was wondering whether it would be possible to tell the program which order to check the tags -- i'll explain:

I tag my files with MP3Tag and/or MP3 BookHelper - this means that the ID3 v2.3 tags are filled first, then the program writes the "values" to the ID3 v.1.1 tags. As you know, long strings such as:

"Stage TV & Studio Recordings 1968 - 1970" in ID3 v2.3, look like this in ID3 v1.1:


Thus under Album (Keywords) the search term: "Stage TV" yields no results as RMTM says - ah, there are values in ID3 v1.1 (thus bypassing the v2.3 check), but the v1.1 values don't match "Stage TV" [v1.1 has no space: "StageTV"] and thus the search (which one knows should yield a group of relevant files) yields nothing, where the same search in say Foobar, will give the expected results.

What would be nice is to be able to dictate to RMTM the order you'd like it to search for keywords:


ID3 v2.x FIRST (or not at all)
ID3 v1.x SECOND (or not at all)
FILENAME THIRD (or not at all)

Or something along those lines.

Alternatively, check the higher level first, then down to V.1.1 then to filename.

I hope the stuff above, a) makes sense, b) is of some use and c) is worth thinking about.

All the best.


Hey Hey ---  :)

Well what ever you did, did the trick.

Excellent. Ran 3 tests (all genres, redundancy = 5)
1) "Velvet Underground" (in Artist Field)  --
RESULT: Perfect -- 5 VU Songs - rest random

2) "Velvet Underground" (in Artist Field), "Love" in All Keywords -- 
RESULT: Perfect -- 5 VU Songs - rest random selection of songs with Love somewhere in the tag fields

3) 3 Must have songs, "Velvet Underground" (in Artist Field), "Love" in All Keywords -- 
RESULT: Perfect -- 3 Must haves + 5 VU Songs - rest random selection of songs with Love somewhere in the tag fields

Well done  :Thmbsup:

And again a big thanks --- will play around with it some more and will let you know if I come across any bugs -- but looks very much like you've sorted it.

All the best

Oh and thanks for the info re. tag versions searched -- very comprehensive!  :D  (and sensible)
Enjoy your "polishing".

give it a try and see if this is how you're used to using the darn thing.  i'm pretty sure i got most (if not all) of the keywording kinks out.  but please tell me if i'm wrong.

tested: beta

sorry to report same issue (exactly the same "test" settings as attached earlier)
it's like it's still bypassing the keywrod filter.

i'll leave it with you.

ps. (just to be a real pain in the arse):   +1 for mouser's suggestion "... good to have a display option that showed album, artist, song title, since thats what the keyword searching is looking at"  [raises MP3 tag issues presumably as to display ID3v2 or ID3v1 (i'd recommend ID3v2)]

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