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General Software Discussion / Re: Saving web pages
« on: January 06, 2010, 12:10 PM »
Do you mean when you go back to save a second version of a page that it overwrites the previous version?
mhtml should open in IE or Opera - have you tried opening the various files with different browsers?
If you save file as Web Page, complete (that's how it's described in FF at any rate), it should save the images in a folder with the same name as the file name - is it possible you moved the html file but left the associated folder somewhere?
I used to save web pages & had problems with mht but not with others

Thank you for all of your replies.

I went into my Mom>Website folder on my drive, and every page I saved has lost its formatting & pictures.
After I saved 2 pages as jpgs, I tried mhtm & it worked. So I went with it.
htm files contain little red dots or the word, "Image" or "Logo" or where the pictures use to be.

In the saved mht files, the pictures are there but the formatting is gone.
In the saved htm files, the pictures and the formatting is gone.

Firefox: I like Scrapbook, but last month FF bookmarks, when I tested them, would not import back into FF 5 minutes after I exported them.
I had someone much more skilled than I try to make this work and they couldn't do it, either.
I had also saved these pages in Scrapbook but at that point, I was so distracted that I forgot to try to save Scrapbook data prior to reformatting.
Also left behind were the files that FF buries somewhere in users/roaming.

Other software: I'm OK with having to acquire software that would have made this easier. I gladly paid $175 for Net Snippets, because I could fully understand it, but they went out of business when Vista was released. I looked for another program to replace it, but couldn't find anything that simple.

I thought my computer would save the pages, as there exists the command, "Save."
 :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

So, that may be a lost cause. But, there is still the blog containing photos of her work.
When I open that folder, here's what I see:


So I guess I need a software if I want to save the contents of the blog.

Thanks for any suggestions.

General Software Discussion / Saving web pages
« on: January 05, 2010, 11:49 PM »
Is it necessary to have a program to save web pages? Not even web sites, just pages????????
Not in Scrapbook, but as files on your drive?

I just tried to view the pages I saved from my mom's old web site, which is now gone.
As I expected, the images are gone, the formatting is gone, everything but the text and links are gone.
Having zero faith that saving these pages was going to work at all, I saved each one in htm, html, word, & mhtml.
I figured one of them had to work.

And it still didn't work! I can't even show the before/after images. There befores are gone.

What in the world is the problem? Why do they even allow to save a web page when it's not going to work, anyway?

File, save as has never worked for me, with web pages, which is why I saved them in every possible format.

The only one that looks right is the .jpg screenshot I took - which clearly I should have done with all of them.

Is there any way to restore them? Is there anything hidden in the code which would allow me to get the original formatting and pictures back?
Does save as work for anyone? Am I going to continue to have to take screenshots?

Please help, I know this post is written badly but I am sooooo frustrated and mad at myself for not taking screenshots of these pages. I knew better than to trust a computer to do anything more advanced than that.

Living Room / Re: What's your favorite LOL joke?
« on: November 02, 2009, 09:06 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
ten out of ten laughs for that LOL, thanks!

General Software Discussion / Re: GemX - missing in action
« on: October 19, 2009, 11:40 PM »
I went there and got an AVG warning, too. Brilliant move. It said now my program files FF file is infected.

General Software Discussion / Re: GemX - missing in action
« on: October 19, 2009, 11:31 PM »
Tried to see if there are any new updates, got an AVG warning when trying to access their forum (I copied the warning text, it's a hijack/cgi script)

What do you do when that happens?
Tell them via email? Does it mean someone hacked their site or that GemX is hijacking your browser?
I can't see them doing anything like that on purpose (?).


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