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Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: January 22, 2010, 06:31 PM »
But if you're single, it really stinks. Because you get bombarded with all the junk that goes with it that day. There's got to be a better way to ignore or convert this day into something less manipulative. Suggestions?

If you're single, consider this:
One year, while browsing the Valentine's Day cards in the drug store, I realized that they make these cards for everyone. Parents, kids, grandparents, friends, in-laws, you name it. So, I started sending my mom & my sister's husband's dad Valentine's Day cards. I'd buy special pens & big fancy cards for them & make a whole big thing of it. I'd sit down and really take my time, and write in them how much I loved them, and why. They loved getting these cards!! More than birthday cards, Christmas cards or any other cards. I could hear it in their voices when they called to say thanks.

Don't be can change it from a lover's day to a loving day and really take (and give) pleasure in doing so.

Living Room / Re: What annoys you to no end?
« on: January 18, 2010, 01:08 AM »
- always a pleasure to read your posts, Sarah :-)

 :) :) :) Thanks, Curt!

Living Room / Re: What annoys you to no end?
« on: January 17, 2010, 05:44 PM »
...but I do expect that people show some sort of intelligence...

Well, you may as well lower your expectations. Most people are lazy.
Standards for writing seemed to have dropped considerably over the past few years.
Even CNN & MSNBC are guilty of this, but no one seems to care.

As long as it's not being pointed out to writers, it will just become more and more accepted.
I think Carol has described this before as, 'entropy'.

Personally, grammar & punctuation errors only bother me if I sense that a post is inconsiderate to the reader, in general.
Infrequent errors are inevitable, but lack of structure, rambling, etc., are signs of thoughtlessness IMO.
It's the writer's job - not the reader's - to make a post or article understandable.

Living Room / Re: A programmer`s appeal for donation (not me :))
« on: January 16, 2010, 08:49 PM »
This is why I always worry that I'm not donating enough when I use freeware or donationware.
I feel guilty unless I'm pretty sure I'm donating a little more than expected. Anyone else feel this way, or is it just me?

General Software Discussion / Re: Saving web pages
« on: January 06, 2010, 12:53 PM »
If you use IE, saving as MHT will grab the whole page and save everything (text, images, css, js). If you use FF, scrapbook will work very well. It DOES save files locally, on your hard drive.

You may also want to use one of the web archive to see if you can find the page again:

Thank you for this! This archive has saved most of her work, but...won't enlarge thumbnails of her photos.
Nonetheless, I really appreciate it. It's better than what I have on my computer!

Saving the photos from the blog might be more interesting anyway, that way I can see close-ups of her work.
Is there any reliable way to save a blog in its intended format? Or at least the pictures? Is saving a blog the same as saving a website?

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