Messages - SKesselman [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Skimp or splurge?
« on: August 03, 2008, 11:27 PM »
...If you can't find satisfactory quality don't buy at all.
-cranioscopical (August 02, 2008, 08:22 AM)

 :o Almost all "everyday items" are made poorly! The designs of some of these items are great, least, in the US,
materials + workmanship = crap. I'd be interested to know just how you've managed to escape this  :P

Living Room / Re: Skimp or splurge?
« on: August 03, 2008, 11:14 PM »
The tip about the credit card is a golden one...I don't even have one anymore. :Thmbsup: ...

...You can not believe what a relief this is ;D...or maybe you can imagine if you are on "other side of the fence".

I can believe it, credit is a bad, bad thing in the wrong hands (mine)!!
I don't have it anymore either, & I do not miss it.
There is no ad, no offer, no promise that could make up for the black cloud of constant debt. Blech.

Yeah, lower back pain seems to be a normal part of life for me (particularly when trying to sleep).

I'd be interested to hear people's experience of these devices.

I'm currently in physical therapy, and  :-* also get electrostimulation...looked like some hocus-pocus device at first, but it's really helpful. He puts 4 electrode things on my back & has me lay down on a large ice pack. I don't know if it's the TENS or what, I'll ask tomorrow.

And (blehhhh... :P) the exercises there actually help, too.

Living Room / Re: Show us the View Outside Your Window
« on: July 21, 2008, 11:54 AM »

Not so bad, for an apartment (even in California, superboyac)!

Living Room / Re: What are your favorite gadgets and gizmos?
« on: June 24, 2008, 12:10 AM »
Perhaps it's because I had braces twice that makes this gadget so special, but  :-* OMG it's soooooo refreshing. :-*
Too bad, it's not made very well. I'm on my third one in 2 years.
Fill it with half water, half mouthwash and blast away:

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