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hi, the organizer program would be _integrated_ and have a central place that is useful to look at. say we enter a bunch of tasks for monday, and part of those tasks aren't finish; then the program would remember whatever was leftover and flow it onto the next day and forever until all these tasks (and more that will be added) are complete.
-alphahumanoid841 (August 22, 2008, 11:18 PM)

This is a "rollover" feature and is available in many information management applications.

There are hundreds upon hundreds of apps like this on the market, too many to mention. Many will allow you to choose which side of the screen you wish to view your tasks. I can't think of the name for that, but I'd probably add "tasks pane", "custom" & "user-defined" to my search for now.

 :-\As for the rest,
Can you list some programs & their features that you've tried in the past? What did you find useful or annoying about their features?

Living Room / Re: Opinions on Netflix?
« on: August 28, 2008, 02:26 AM »

Try this
I don't know how it works, past this:
Last week, I downloaded the service and a movie for $3. I have a month from that date to watch it.
However, once I press 'play', I have 24 hours to watch it.

I've seen no ads or odd behavior on my pc since.
[Edit 12/2008: Blockbuster service since sold out, app would not uninstall]

I don't think it's running in the background, but you'll have to see for yourself.
(Not understanding what runs in the background or why, I have no interest in this until it gets in my way.)

I didn't read the terms. If I did, I'd have no services at all, I'm sure of this ;)

good luck :)

General Software Discussion / Music files 101
« on: August 14, 2008, 05:52 AM »
I am in need of a quick and simple education in music files.
I mean, quick - no CNET courses or anything like that, just either a recommendation to a website that speaks to beginners, or instructions from someone here who would want to help a complete beginner. Here's what I'm looking to do:

I've recently inherited about 300 CD's (mostly classical).

I'm thinking of recording these CD's to an external drive, then posting the files to the web. But, I want a program that can read all of the details - I don't want to type in the name of the piece, the composer, etc. but I noticed that Windows Media Player could not detect all of this information, only some.
So, I ended up recording only 1 CD & decided it was too tedious of a project.

Now, I'm thinking that it would be really nice if my other family members could access this music online.
Actually, I'd like to share it with anyone who wanted it, but I guess that's not legal (?).
I was thinking about FTP web sites - I've only seen one & it looked pretty straightforward, but I don't even know if that's used for music files or what.

If you're still reading this, you can see that I'm clueless & so I don't have to tell you I don't have a server, an iPod or any knowledge of any computer languages. Only a laptop which records CDs & an external drive. And a really big box of CDs.

Any help would be appreciated!

Living Room / Re: Skimp or splurge?
« on: August 14, 2008, 04:30 AM »

Then there's that rubberized, self-bonding tape that'll make an an instant non-slip grip on any tool handle...
-cranioscopical (August 13, 2008, 08:27 PM)

I like that tape too, but the kind I have can't be cleaned...kind of gross (if yours can, please, tell me the kind you're using & I"ll get some).

I've never heard of gaffer's tape, but I have some Gorilla Tape that's actually holding a very large, heavy wood dresser together. I think temperature & technique might have something to do with it, but still, I love this stuff!

Not cheap, but worth every penny.

Living Room / Re: Skimp or splurge?
« on: August 03, 2008, 11:36 PM »

Skimp: Wine, Computer Speakers
Splurge: Vacuum cleaner, Kitchen Table

 :Thmbsup: Now, there's someone who knows how to live. :Thmbsup:
Did you just get a new vacuum cleaner, too???

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