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so, what is other ways you know/suggest?

Is there a reason you need to recover your password rather than reset?

ie. Do you have folders/files that are OS encrypted?

No, both are fine for me. Only one drive was encrypted with bitlocker. however, it is not the system drive. I already got this fixed. the burning process failed last time and that is why I am asking for new suggestion.


I got my laptop upgraded to windows 10 a few days ago and Ophcrack works well to help me find lost password. but now it seems no longer work on Windows 10 built. Is something I am missing or it doesn't work on win in nature?

so, what is other ways you know/suggest?

I seem to remember reading that they changed the login mechanism, (when using a password), so that it operates in a secure environment inaccessible to the user thus the normal methods, (Ophcrack, John the Ripper, etc), wouldn't work and that you could really only reset passwords under Windows 10.

Note, this is my understanding/interpretation, quite possibly wrong, based on a half remembered article read over a year ago.

f0dder would definitely know.

In the meantime, this might be what I'm thinking of: Windows 10: Virtualization-based security

Appreciated for the input. Yes, you are correct. MS changed the policy in windows 10. Users can login with MS account.

As this discussion pertains to cracking/hacking, I would direct you to their Wiki is not affiliated with Ophcrack and as such, the only answers you would get here is from any potential users of said tool(s).
-Stephen66515 (March 22, 2018, 05:43 AM)

Thanks for pointing out. sadly, not able to find the solution to get it fixed.

General Software Discussion / Re: Computer blogs that you read?
« on: March 22, 2018, 05:38 AM »
Makeuseof, osxdaily and Android central

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