Messages - pepanee [ switch to compact view ]

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Hello skwire,
You're welcome, and

Thank you so much for this program! I have it set up to detect any new wallpaper that I have in a folder to make copies of any wallpaper that is not 16x9, so I can be aware and fix that wallpaper image for my Desktop Slideshow & Lock Screen Slideshow on Windows 10.

Thank you so much for that little bug fix. Now the program works perfectly! All I have to do now from time to time is to open Dimensions 2 Folders and press the Go button!

Awesome program!

Bug Fix Needed:

Hello, I have found a tiny bug in the application Dimensions 2 Folders. Great program by the way!
But the little tiny bug that I noticed has to do with the Matches/Does not match section.

I noticed that the settings that I set in the program get saved when I close and re-open the program. But the only thing that doesn't get saved, as far as I've noticed, is the "Matches/Does not match" setting. I usually use the "Does not match" setting, so when I'm done with the program, I close it, then when I open it again, I always think that it's still saved at "Does not match".

Can you please fix that option to stay the way I last used it?

Thanks so much for the program!

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