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Messages - sfeldner [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
System Path Commander / Malware?
« on: April 22, 2014, 09:33 PM »
I'm note sure if someone has mentioned this before but, when I scan my computer for malware, spc.exe scans positive for "Malware.Packer.Gen".
It is the same across different downloads.  I'm guessing that Malware.Packer.Gen is not really malware. Does anyone know anything about this?

System Path Commander / Re: SPC - Hardcore
« on: June 07, 2012, 04:29 PM »
Hey Chris,
I came to see if there was a new SPC; I've got v1.31...  I saw the hardcore version and so I checked it out but I'm not sure if I'm missing something or that I didn't read some documentation or what...

Has the "Add" function been removed and instead additions must be done through the .SPI file - with no GUI?  There is a delete function in the right-click menu so I'm thinking that there is something wrong with the version I downloaded

System Path Commander / Suggestion: Convert to long name
« on: September 28, 2010, 09:59 AM »
I love SPC and I was wondering if you could add an option:
1) Change a short-form entry to the long-form
2) Display the long form next to the short form as a comment. 

I find myself trying to figure out where a short entry points to so I can determine if it needs to be included. Right now, I have to copy the entry and paste it into Explorer in order to see the long name. 

Perhaps the "display as comment" (number 2 above) idea might be better.  You could also display the short form if the entry is in the long form.  That could give a person an idea how much length could be saved by converting to a short form.  The option on the right-click menu could change based on the current form of the entry.

Thanks for listening...

Pages: [1]