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Messages - cross7bow [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Skrommel's Software / Re: Runsaver and Windows 8.1
« on: August 16, 2015, 07:39 PM »
Hello everyone... hello Skrommel,

... 1304 views of this topic and nobody out there having an idea to solve it? Anybody tested the behaviour of runsaver on Windows 8.1?

In my tests still the same results.
When using RunSaver on Windows 8.1 => Program starts with Metro-Background and stops anything that should have been started.

Please have a look at it.


Skrommel's Software / Runsaver and Windows 8.1
« on: November 12, 2014, 04:32 AM »
Hi there...

first of all: Runsaver works great in Windows XP or Windows 7... ... all fine...!!

When using Runsaver in Windows 8.1 however the program or task that shall be started will be "finished" somehow ...
Im my tests some metro-style background comes up when "screensaver" activates. Runsaver does it's tasks but these tasks "dissapear" when metro-style background disappears...
This also happens when Metro-Style is not used... and "log in to desktop instead of "log-in to metro" is chosen in windows 8.1

Hard to explain this in my poor english :-)

So I try to explain it better with an example...

1. Have a script "test.vbs" to be run by "Runsaver"
2. Put following code inside "test.vbs"

WScript.Sleep 1000
Dim SH, txtFolderToOpen
Set SH = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
txtFolderToOpen = "%windir%"
SH.Run txtFolderToOpen
Set SH = Nothing
WScript.Sleep 1000
msgbox "This is a test"

3. Choose "test.vbs" to be run by "Runsaver"
4. Switch to 1 Minute and wait :-)

5. See what happens: In my tests... Metro-Style-Background appears... Explorer-Window out of Script appears... Messagebox appears...
6. Click ok in the "Test-Message" box... Metro-Style-Background disappears... then You will see that explorer-window also disappears as if it would never have been opened...

7. Re-Check this in windows 7... Explorer is shown correctly... and keeps open...

Please have a look at it.

Thanks very much ;)

Multi Photo Quotes / Re: Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: February 17, 2013, 08:05 AM »
 ;D :) ;)


Great! Thanks ;)

Multi Photo Quotes / Re: Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:56 AM »
Guess I found the difference:

When double-clicking
C:\Program Files (x86)\MultiPhotoQuotes\MultiPhotoQuotes.exe
everything works fine.

When I wait until screensaver starts up automatically by windows screensaver settings => images are shown twice.

Is there another file to be replaced??

This explains why my testings yesterday worked  :) I just double.clicked for testing...

Multi Photo Quotes / Re: Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:38 AM »
Hello Mouser,

very sorry. I took a closer look at it and it still happens that images are shown twice...
Took the testing images A,B,C.... again and same effect.

Seems to me that I didn't see it because I have too many images to see it while testing yesterday.

Please have another look at it. Thanks a lot.


Multi Photo Quotes / Re: Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: February 16, 2013, 07:39 AM »
OOOOpppppssss.... Ok. Downloaded with another browser  :)

Works fine now! Great Job!

Thanks a lot!

Greetings from Black Forest in Germany


Multi Photo Quotes / Re: Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: February 16, 2013, 06:38 AM »
Sorry... no difference to the previous version... is the download-link already updated?

Multi Photo Quotes / Re: Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: February 15, 2013, 11:14 AM »
Hi there,

my test:
- 3 Monitors
- Split Monitir into grid: YES
- Split Monitors Row Count: 2
- Split Monitors Column Count: 2

=> 3 Monitors with 4 Images each => 12 Images that can be shown.

For better seeing faster testing I created 16 Images with Letters from A to P.
Please download them here and have a test with my settings.

Im my testings, very often letters are shown twice though there are more Images than can be displayed

Thanks a lot and good testing!


Multi Photo Quotes / Re: Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: February 15, 2013, 04:57 AM »
Hey mouser, thanks for the work. I've been testing it (simply replaced your beta MultiPhotoQuotes.exe with the old one.)
There are still pictures shown twice at the same time but I have the feeling it is more seldom now.

Let me have a closer look this afternoon. I will do further tests.


Multi Photo Quotes / Re: Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: February 13, 2013, 02:03 PM »
Hello Mouser, did you already have time for that feature? Would be great! :-) Thanx a lot!

Multi Photo Quotes / Re: Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: September 19, 2012, 04:10 PM »
Wow! That's great!! Thanks a lot!!  :Thmbsup: :up:

Multi Photo Quotes / Pictures shown twice or more at the same time
« on: September 19, 2012, 03:15 PM »
I'm testing Multi Photo Quotes and I love it.

While testing I didn't find out how to prevent that a picture is shown twice or more at the same time.

Let me try to explain this: I have a folder with pictures A B C D E F G H inside. 3 Monitors are used with full-screen-image.

Is it configureable that for example first ABC , then DEF, then GEH is shown? (Pic A => Monitor1 // Pic B => Monitor2 ...)

The shuffle-feature is great but often gives Output like AAB, then CFF... or even GGG... Is there a feature to use shuffle with preventing same pic at the same time?

Hope I explained in a understandable way in poor english :-) Thanx a lot for this great screensaver!! And thanks for any help!


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