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Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Remind me of feature requests please
« on: January 25, 2021, 09:32 PM »
Feature request - re-sizable option

from :-

Clipboard Help+Spell is excellent.
It is my favourite tool.

It would be great if you could resize the window to a much smaller size. I have attached some examples.

Version number on top bar.
highlight bar on the current clipboard
Completely re-sizable.

Having CHS always on top with resized to only the top 3 copied pieces of information it takes up little space and you can view the information has copied correctly.



Your reply:-
Interesting ideas.. They somewhat overlap with an idea I had..

I was thinking of a new optional window for CHS that would just show clips from one group (normally the NEW group), in a very compact form, and optionally docked to an edge of the screen with auto sliding/hiding or set to always be on top.

It would really have only 2 purposes:
To show you the most recent clips at a glance
To let you quickly double click an item to paste it into your current application.

Does it sound like this would satisfy your ideas as well?


Clipboard Help+Spell  is an excellent program. Its the only program I use for clipboard captures.

I have had a few occasions where the app gets corrupted.  Tried different repairs but if that does not work
I install another version of Clipboard Help+Spell and restore the last backup.

Had not noticed until tonight that the restore points to the image file instead of backing it up with the backup.

Can you make an option for full backup?


Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Feature request - realizable option
« on: October 11, 2018, 02:08 AM »
Excellent, your optional window for the new group covers the request.
Thanks. Excellent software.

Interesting ideas.. They somewhat overlap with an idea I had..

I was thinking of a new optional window for CHS that would just show clips from one group (normally the NEW group), in a very compact form, and optionally docked to an edge of the screen with auto sliding/hiding or set to always be on top.

It would really have only 2 purposes:
  • To show you the most recent clips at a glance
  • To let you quickly double click an item to paste it into your current application.

Does it sound like this would satisfy your ideas as well?

Clipboard Help+Spell / Feature request - realizable option
« on: October 03, 2018, 01:27 AM »
            Feature request - re-sizable option

Clipboard Help+Spell is excellent.
It is my favorite tool.

It would be great if you could resize the window to a much smaller size. I have attached some examples.

Version number on top bar.
highlight bar on the current clipboard
Completely re-sizable.

Having Chs always on top with resized to only the top 3 copied pieces of information it takes up little space and you can view the information has copied correctly.



Clipboard Help+Spell v2.42 portable-default  move clips to recycle bin enbled

Excellent program.

I just upgraded to 2.42.

The default is to move old clips to recycle bin.  Suggest untick.  You had corrected this before - easy to forget on new version.


Excellent program, thanks.

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