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N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 pledge: GOE 2007 "MyHelp" remake for web
« on: December 31, 2010, 06:27 AM »
I'm very unfortunate to say that I couldn't finish this year's N.A.N.Y. release... :-(

I was very busy with house constructing and job obligations, and just couldn't make some extra time to finish what I've started...

But I WILL finish it in the days that come, and let you all see it when it's done... :-)

I wish you all happy new year , specially to those who participated this year's  N.A.N.Y. !!!
Good luck to all!!!!

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 pledge: GOE 2007 "MyHelp" remake for web
« on: December 24, 2010, 01:30 AM »
Wow: will the name remain "MyHelp"??

I also adjusted your title 2010 > 2011  ;)

Thanks Mowbray!  ;-)

No, the name will not remain the same...
Unfortunately, "" domain is already taken... I'm gonna have to name it differently... 

I hope you'll like it. In the spirit of , I'm developing it as multilingual... I hope to find assistants on the donationcoder to help me translate it to several languages later. But that comes later.  Let me build it first so that it could go online... :-)

Mouser, does donationcoder has some login API ( like facebook, twitter , google...) so that it's members could login to this new version of "myhelp" using their donationcoder account?

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / NANY 2011 pledge: GOE 2007 "MyHelp" remake for web
« on: December 23, 2010, 08:55 AM »
Hi, I am IN this year too!

For this year's N.A.N.Y. I'll make remake of my GOE 2007 entry "MyHelp" ( )

Unlike MyHelp, I'll develop this one as web application and publish it on web so that you could access your notes from anywhere, anytime. There will also be many things I find interesting that does not exist in MyHelp... But since I'm developing it all by myself, I'll create it all "one at a time..." :-)

I probably started developing this too late ( 2 - 3 weeks ago ) , but I will do my best to finish it by 31. December!

Hi, PhotoComiX,
I added a link to the first post.

Of course you can edit notes. Click on the "Edit" button just bellow the title of the note...
Is this what you wanted...?

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Rewards and Prizes
« on: January 20, 2009, 02:37 AM »
wow, I won a Backup4All licence!!!  :Thmbsup:


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