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Messages - ashberry [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Timns Apps / Re: Auspex
« on: July 14, 2011, 07:35 AM »
Hello all,

1. Is there any way to have Asupex ignore "words" starting with numbers ?

I have a system where I enter dates often, in the form of dd-mm, bur Auspex often extends that to something I don't want.

I have tried to use a regex expression with a "block" action, but it has even worse results then. That reduces productivity for me.

2. When Auspex presents me with a relatively long list of suggestions, they are prefixed by a number. How can I use this number to quickly select which suggestion I would like to use ? Or is that not possible yet ?

Anyway, Auspex is already helping me a lot, so please keep up the good work !

Pages: [1]