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UrlSnooper / Re: trying to find the source of the stream
« on: August 25, 2010, 07:58 PM »
this is what i found with stream transport so what part should I use


This is what is asking when i have tio create the .asx:
<REF HREF=""/>

and this is the whole .asx information i have to put in:
<TITLE>Custom Channel</TITLE>
<REF HREF=""/>

UrlSnooper / Re: trying to find the source of the stream
« on: August 25, 2010, 02:28 PM »
You would need to explain better what you are trying to do.
A .asx file is a redirector file for http,mms,rtsp protocol Windows Media streams.
These are rtmp protocol Adobe Flash Media streams.

If you are trying to download the streams try StreamTransport.
If you are trying to embed the streams in another web page, click on the Ustream or Livestream logos on the streams and that should take you to the source page where you can get the embed code.

(i know how to craea tethe asx i just need the stream)

what im trying to do is finding the direct link of the tv stream of the links i posted.

To then create an asx for a PSP aplication that supports asx. so I can watch those tv channels on my PSP.
If you dont understand let me know.

I already used stream transport it found somelinks of the  streams posted but its embedded with a player. I want the stream without the player and that the stream starts sutomatically.

UrlSnooper / Re: trying to find the source of the stream
« on: August 22, 2010, 12:56 PM »
I guess no knows how. if someone do please help me

UrlSnooper / trying to find the source of the stream
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:07 AM »
hi I have tried a lot to find the stream of this channel or direct link. this is a live channel. I need it to then use the source of the stream to create .asx

This is what is asking when i have tio create the .asx:
<REF HREF=""/>

and this is the whole .asx information i have to put in:
<TITLE>Custom Channel</TITLE>
<REF HREF=""/>

This is the link below: scroll down a little bit and then close the advertisment for the stream to start.

and this one

I have tried to find the source but nothing.

if some one can find it will be very helpful, an tell me how you did it

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