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Messages - daanvink [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
I understand, but the functions do not return a value. The help file tells the obvious - to enter the angle in the sin()-function, but for instance neither sin(30) nor sin(pi/6) result in 0.5 but only ... is returned. The log-function works for all valid numbers, for instance log(100) = 2, except log(1) which should return 0 but results in ... (three dots).

Beautiful lean program. However
sin(anynumber) = ...
sin(pi) = ...
log(1) = ...
RunningWindows 10
What is the unit of angles? Where to set?
Regards, Daan.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: farr yahoo mail plugin
« on: September 02, 2016, 03:58 PM »
FYI the error says (I have to translate to English):
Script error
Error in script on this page
Line         1
Character 1
Cannot retrieve the property contentWindow of a non-defined reference or cannot get the reference to an empty value
Code      0

Do you want to continue to execute this script on this page
Yes / No
After confirmation the plugin seems to work.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: farr yahoo mail plugin
« on: August 31, 2016, 06:19 PM »
Yes! Thanks a lot.
However, get bunch of error messages. I'll try more later. Running Windows 10.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: farr yahoo mail plugin
« on: August 31, 2016, 05:15 PM »
Hi, Where do I find the download? Thanks, Daan.

General Software Discussion / Re: The Non-Notepad(MS) Thread!
« on: July 21, 2013, 06:30 PM »
What about VIM? If you like FARR, try VIM.

@lanux128: You were right, the proper keystrokes are: fn + pause. This starts a 'clean' FARR-window.
Problem solved.

@mouser (?): Do I have to close this discussion? How?


I use HP-laptop ProBook 6550b and type two keys: fn + break (break sits on the same key as pg dn therefore the fn)
FARRs was freshly installed, no modifications of shortcut-keys, all default.

Are there any other hotkey combinations to launch FARR?

Thank you for the quick reply.

The answer however is: no

In the options window there is no "search" or anything filled in.
Indeed, the FARR-window on the right hand is exactly what I get.

Is there a settings-textfile that can be edited and searched for "search"?

Greetings, Daan.

Hi there,
I installed FARR on my new laptop. When launching FARR, in the input box the word "search" is already filled in.
Why is that? Do I miss something?
Now, before a filename or plugin-command can be entered, I first have to delete the word "search" using backspace.
What I want is an empty input box after triggering FARR.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: System Tray plugin
« on: February 13, 2009, 01:54 PM »
Hi Joshuawood,
On my laptop (XP) everything works fine, but on my desktop it doesn't seem to be loaded as a plugin. If I do goreload the farrtray is not loaded.

Hi phitsc,
I found and read the readme.txt. Thanks.
Now I will try to figure out where PDF-XChange viewer stores it's openend files info.
Thank you for the prompt reply.

See readme.txt for options and details.

Where do I find the readme.txt? It's not in de download?
For instance, I want to add PDF-XChange viewer to the list of applications but don't know how.
It would be nice if someone could post an example configuration-file, just to see how things look like.
Thanks a lot.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New FARR Plugin: FCalc
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:39 PM »
For defining a variable just type
fc a=3
From then on when you type a, you get the value 3

Also I found some predefined constants like
fc _pi
fc _e

Good luck.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New FARR Plugin: FCalc
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:22 PM »
Hi all.
Sorry for my bad English - i'm from russia.

FCalc is great.  :up: But i have some troubles. Spent hour trying to find any help, manual, instructions how to use this plugin, but find nothing. Is any help available? In the "readme.txt" file only this text:
"INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE By default this plugin is set to trigger when you start your search with:  fc
You can type any keywords after the ff to filter and score your results,
 e.g.: fc 2+2"
"NOTES: None yet."
I can't find how to define variable, can't see list of supported functions like sin() and avg()...  :(
Help file - that would be a good idea for this good plugin. May be it already exists?
Thanks for any advice.

check this, the basis of the plugin:

There's some registry hack existing, but it never worked reliably for me—it just reverted back after some time.

A free utility RecentFilesView might help. It takes a while before it starts, but I suppose that's the reason for limiting the size of MRU list.

This one too I will give a try. Thanks for posting.

There is an awesome Most Recently Used plugin for FARR  8)

I've installed it and am trying it out. Thank you.

Dear tomos, I use XP.

me too lol
as I say it's going in a different direction - it's a programme that takes over the start menu in XP (& presumably vista too) & makes it much easier to navigate (using keyboard) and launch stuff etc.

Yes, I see now. Will check it out, thanks a lot!

Dear tinjaw, thanks for the link; will check it out.
Dear tomos, I use XP.

Windows keeps a list of maximum 9 recently opened documents.
I would like to have an unlimited (user defined number?) list of recently opened documents, which preferably includes full path name and date of last open.
Is such a program anywhere available? If not, would it be hard to write one?
Thanks in advance for your reply,

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