Messages - hayamaguchi [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Goodbye to my father
« on: September 19, 2016, 06:39 PM »
I remember losing my father in 1982.  Like you, I admired him greatly.  My sincere condolences for your personal loss, and may he rest in peace!

For what it's worth, it's definitely Japanese.  The script is a mixture of Japanese cursive kanji characters (similar to Chinese characters) and Japanese hiragana phonetic characters.  I can read some snatches of the writing (poem?), but cursive characters defeat me.  The first column on the extreme right (the two characters) is probably the title of the work.  The first three characters of the of the third column from the right reads "fune-no-ho," meaning "the sail of a boat."  The writing is read from top to bottom, right to left.  Sorry I can't be of more help!

I have the same issue.  I just installed ScreenshotCaptor on my Surface Pro 3, whose screen resolution is set to the default 2160 x 1440.



Hi, Mouser. 

I've been using the 1.83.01 version for a few days now, and it appears a bit sluggish compared to the previous one.

I use LaunchBar Commander exclusively as a set of nested menus that are accessed through icons on the system tray.  In this version, a large percentage of clicks on the icons, either in the tray or in the menus that pop up from single-clicking on the tray icons, generate a "List index out of bounds (n)" message box, where n seems to change at random, but is usually less than 10. (See attached screen shot.)  However, after the message box pops up, the software usually gives me the menu I want, and I can usually launch programs from the menu.

Anyway, this is a great program, and I don't know how I managed before this.  But the above teething problem has me using "Find and Run Robot" a bit more these days!   :)



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