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General Software Discussion / Re: What's your preferred File Manager
« on: January 22, 2008, 01:56 PM »
Hi, I'm a new member.

Explorer beats many of the so-called Explorer alternatives on the list hands down simply because they can't handle unicode. Renaming and displaying file info correctly are such basic operations in file managers that it's puzzling that people are paying for file managers that can't do those operations correctly despite other extra niceties. You know, when it comes to music files, Winamp and foobar can handle unicode fine, and they are free. (Those who say, "I don't need unicode," broaden your music library to "world" music.)

Some of the file managers on the list can be made portable, but you never know what's in the box unitl you plug your managers in. They can't handle unicode? To me, that defeats the merit of portability significantly.

Having said that, Dopus seems to still have some issues with unicode, so xplorer2 is probably the only manager that's worth mentioning in my opinion.

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