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Clipboard Help+Spell / [BUG?] Under user profile using MUI
« on: April 10, 2008, 05:50 PM »
When starting CH&S I got this error:
"Could not convert variant of type (String) into type (Double)."

I think it's because of this particular set of circumstances which may (or may not) be rare:

This is a XP SP2 setup with Multilingual User Interface (MUI) installed. Admin profile under which CH&S was installed, has Portuguese Regional Settings, including a comma (,) decimal separator. CH&S can be used without problem.

User1 needs English Regional settings, namely a period (.) decimal separator. If this user tries to start CH&S this error dialogue box pops up followed by many others. CH&S can only be stopped by ending its task or process.

I don't know if it is worth for you (or me) to pursue a solution to this bug. Perhaps if others are also affected. Anyway if you solve this or know a workaround that permits use of CH&S under such a user profile please respond.

Off topic:

I only just now started using CH&S. I only use the right-click menu to paste the recent clips which is only a fraction of the power and versatility that the program offers. I don't usually keep programs installed that do more (or less) than what I require but CH&S UI manages to keep it simple so I like it, will keep it anyway and will be aware of opportunities to use its more advanced functions.
Thank you for your good software.

Skrommel's Software / Capshift - Renaming files
« on: February 10, 2007, 10:03 AM »

I'd like to use Capshift to quickly change filenames' letter case.
Problem is when I activate it by pressing Caps Lock or clicking in the tray it deactivates the filename edit field.
Maybe if we could assign a hot-key this could be achieved in one step?

A workaround to this is change the filename in the Properties dialogue.


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