Topics - spankymcgee [ switch to compact view ]

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Post New Requests Here / IDEA: "Days since" program
« on: September 11, 2007, 01:59 PM »
I like this idea: it's a iGoogle widget that keeps track of number of the days since you have performed some task.  You enter the name of the task and it keeps Track of the time automatically.

I do not use iGoogle, and I don't want to start.  Why not create an Autohotkey equivalent?

Hopefully the program will not take up too much processing power and memory.

Thanks! -Spanky

I've been happily reading Lifehacker articles on how to ditch my mouse by
using hotkeys, etc. I am getting better at it. However, one thing that has
always bothered me is that it is very hard to find the selection box when
you push ALT+TAB to navigate through the elements on a screen, whether it be a
Firefox window, the desktop, control panel, etc. I know you can configure
Windows to locate the cursor by hitting CTRL (and I know Donationcoder has a program for that, too). It would be nice if there
were a utility that could help you find the selection box in a similar manner.

Any ideas?

MC Spanky McGee

CORRECTION: I meant "ALT+TAB." My original post just said, "ALT." Ugh. Mental blockage.

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