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Living Room / Mouser in the movies
« on: July 24, 2024, 10:09 PM »
Watching "Free Guy" and noticed one of the characters is named Mouser.
I couldn't resist breaking the rust off of my login to comment. 😁😁

I hope everyone is still doing awesome, I love seeing a non Windows section, especially after the crowdstrike fiasco. Yes, I know it wasn't a Windows specific failure. It does speak to the fact that Windows is unfortunately the primary target for development.

Living Room / Her Name is June
« on: May 20, 2021, 11:41 PM »
This is an off camber TV discussion RE: The Handmade's Tale.  If you've seen the show, the subject phrase may resonate with you.  If you haven't ... if you like intelligent drama ... and you have Hulu, this is a must.

Potential spoiler?

I'm personally offended at how Gilead mis-quotes (OMG, common misquotes) and misuses "The Bible" for it's own ends.  I can see how people would fall for it and I root for the downfall of Gilead.  :)

PS:  I haven't been around for a few years (few++) but I thought this would be a good place to post this vs. Discord for crypto.  :shrug

Living Room / I've been blogged about.
« on: June 21, 2013, 09:40 PM »
Well it's not really about me, but I was involved.  ;)

I think this is a first for me so I'm kind of excited.  :P

I'm not sure I like be Cinderella tho...  :redface:

Here's the link Cinderella has left Hadoop

and a sample: "When moving into architecture ten years ago my biggest fear was my IT capabilities would atrophy and I would be less employable.  I know that I’m actually very good at strategy and I am far more value strategically driving millions of dollars in savings and large strategic shifts in IT, but boy this week was a humbling experience."

Living Room / Kudos/Respect for Mouser
« on: May 17, 2013, 10:33 PM »
So I've been hanging around DC for a while on and off.  I've had a lot of things happen in real life while I've been around DC so my interests and posts have varied.

'Da Mouser has been on a mission for a very long time and he's attracted some very fine associates to help.  Since I don't know the inner workings, I'll let him distribute credit, which of course he will. ;)

My main point here is that DC has been a very cool, sane and reasonable place to interact with other "Development" minded folks.  I put that in quotes because I think we all bring our own version of what it means, which is all good. :)  The really kewl part is that DC accepts and supports the various viewpoints of development, use and abuse of technology, etc.   In short, this is one of the ONLY places I know that has not gone the way of the Trolls, SPAM Kings or worst of all, Abandonment.  What is again?

When you think about it, this site has been and continues to be an extremely successful test case for Mouser's idea.

So take a moment to consider how DC has been a good thing in your life.  You might want to say thanks...I'll start:  Thanks Mouser!  You done good.  :Thmbsup:

Yes I know many of us have in various public and private forums already done this...I just realized it again and thought I'd start trouble.  :P

I'm pretty skeptical of "better" keyboards.  This looks pretty interesting:

Minuum Keyboard


I've been working with a group of very smart and cool guys at my large medical industry provider company to build an Enterprise Class Hadoop  Cluster.

The Good:  It's new, exciting, improving and growing.  Besides all of that it freaking works like a silver bullet.  If huge data scans are your bane, Hadoop is your balm.

We've secretly journal-ed some of our thoughts here: DataForProfit

I'm just curious if any other DC's have been playing w/ Hadoop.  I really think it could be a game changer for large enterprises.

$0.02  ..  :two:

As read in the HDFS User mail list:
All of Hadoop's javadocs were recently lost from our website when it
was converted to svnpubsub.  These were historically not stored in
subversion but manually added to the website by release managers.
When the site was converted to svnpubsub no one had first copied the
docs tree into subversion so it was lost.
(It could perhaps be
recovered from tape archives, but that would be a pain.)

Yesterday, on seeing this, I reconstructed what I could.  I extracted
documentation from the release tarballs of recent releases an pushed
it into subversion.  Those release tarballs did not seem to include
HDFS javadocs.

You've found two links to HDFS javadocs in what I restored, and those
links, as you note, are broken.  If someone has those javadocs or
wants to build them then they can be restored by committing them to
subversion under:


I've not seen (broken) links to HDFS documentation in the other more
recent releases whose documentation I restored.

An alternative might be to put a redirect in to the HDFS user guide to
fix those two broken links.  If folks prefer that approach I'd be
happy to implement it.

Where's the face-palm smiley? 

Living Room / When to trust co-workers with your income?
« on: January 11, 2013, 11:56 PM »
Hey DC'ers.  I come asking this here (as opposed to /., reddit, etc.) because I know the culture here.  Good people, with varied views, trying to promote good welfare for all. :)  I'm proud to be a part of this community for a while.

While I don't always agree with everyone's views (who can?) I do respect (and have been equally respected) the views of members of the great culture.

Here is my situation:  I started working with Hadoop Administration a few months ago.  I'm now on the Center for Excellence Team for a Fortune 20 company (1 of 4 key members (as defined by our VP)).  I'm working with some brilliant men.  I'm humbled to be a part of the team.  I think we have a chance to produce some potentially significant improvements to Hadoop in general (Yeah, these guys are that good.). 

My problem is this: (get ready to laugh)
We could bust our asses, work for the man, update our resumes (CV's) and go somewhere else and make +x% income.  Or, we could start a pizza & beer franchise.  :D
College campuses would never be the same if we went that route.

How do you decide something like this?  I'm not joking, the business model we have should be wildly successful.

Living Room / The Internets makes me laugh
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:27 AM »
I saw Edvard's post about $99 super computers and notice the source:
"from teh intarwebs" 

His sig. line is funny too:  "All children left unattended will be given a mocha and a puppy."  --- I typed that from memory, hope I got it right.

This is just a small sampling of humor found on the webs.  LOLCats (catz?),, Rick rolling, it's all so much fun. 

 :-\  what on the interweb tubes makes you laugh?   :P

Living Room / Ken Stark of the Helios Project needs our help.
« on: August 20, 2012, 04:38 PM »
"Ken Starks has helped a lot of people. He's personally placed a lot of computers in homes that couldn't otherwise afford them. Now he needs our help - not to build more computers or train more people or spread more free-software love, but to stay alive."

Help if you can. :)

Living Room / Best Vodka IMHO
« on: June 27, 2012, 10:24 PM »
I've been a highly functioning alcoholic for about 4 months now.  I know it's bad, I also know that when I find my girl, I will become normal again.

In the mean time, if you are a social drinker and like vodka.  I've tried all of the "Top Shelf" vodkas, VOX, Grey Goose, Kettle One, Three Olives (2nd shelf IMHO) and Absolute (2nd shelf).  The good news about these is that you can find them in most American (or at least Ohio) bars.  Svedka (Vodka of the year in 2033) is my #1 by far.  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: 5x distilled and filtered.  Tastes great, extremely low hangover quotient and OMG Cheap!  USD @ 23.00 for a 1.5 liter bottle.  That's the big bottle for the uninitiated.  Normal bar bottles are 750ml.

Just thought I'd share.  ;)

Living Room / It's a great day :-D
« on: January 25, 2012, 05:37 PM »
Once in a while you realize that things are really pretty swell.  Allow me to share:

1) I'm a Linux Engineer, so I get to do stuff I like almost every day.
2) I'm on the Open Source Development initiative at work... we're planning a completely OSS, PaaS solution for Green Field projects. 
3) I'm dating a really nice young lady and we spent almost the whole last weekend together.
4) New (to me) Car!
  - I crashed my 1999 car 2 weeks ago  :-[
  - Ins. covered my rental car
  -  Total loss covered my loan pay off and after my deductable, they're sending me ~$500.  :Thmbsup:
  - New car is a 2009 w/ 25,000 miles and it is WAY FUN to drive.  :greenclp:
  - No one was injured in the crash
5) I just finished Angry Birds Seasons w/ 3 *'s on every level plus all eggs.

Life is good, sometimes you just need to celebrate the little things.   :D

I'm sure I'm not the only one happy this week... share the happy! 


Find And Run Robot / FARR featured on DOWNLOAD.COM
« on: December 02, 2008, 03:11 PM »
Find and Run Robot keeps your hands right where you want them, if you're a keyboard addict. This launcher seems to have been designed for people who want to keep their digits pounding the plastic, so every step of the program has been keyed for those with quick fingers.


Edit:  Click that link.. .there's more.   :Thmbsup:


General Software Discussion / Is XP really that good?
« on: November 28, 2008, 12:51 AM »
Some good folks around DC may recall that I have opinions...  :tellme:

I am a huge fan on Linux, Unix and most things other than M$ OSes.  That being said, I have been running Win XP for several years.  I have a fairly tweaked system that I don't screw with much and I have been stable for a long time.  I recently upgrade to 4 GB RAM because 1) I could and 2) I thought it might improve my performance.  I have been running 2 GB for most of my XP career.

I'm currently running all of my normal stuff plus Google Chrome and have used only 1 GB RAM.  I'm using Process Explorer and I have been sitting at 1GB.  I've got  8 freaking tabs open plus I'm watching a movie* with VLC on top of all the other RAM sucking things I run normally.  WTF?  Is XP really that good at RAM management?

I'm spoiled enough to have a whole P4 system dedicated to PCLinuxOS.  It's cools and snappy; i'm not sure it's worth switching from XP.  Have we finally reached the point where local resources are a 2nd priority?  My Dell D600 laptop sucks (explainative) with 1024 RAM, why is my desktop so much more usable with the same free RAM?

I always want to believe Linux is better with RAM than XP; but I'm having a hard time making a case for desktop use.   What am I missing?

*Hancock MKV

Coding Snacks / Window Tags
« on: April 01, 2008, 12:25 PM »
This is something I could use occasionally.  I have 10 windows open, but I need/want to switch back and forth between 2 or 3 of them a lot.
Say I'm testing a PHP script and I have the server in a putty session.  The php manual page in a browser window and I'm testing the script in another browser window.  I'd like to hit a hotkey to tag each of those windows with so I can switch to them quickly.  That way if I get an email or some other app changes focus, I don't have to fight to get by alt-tab order fixed again.

So Putty is my focused window, I type Ctrl-T, 1 and tag it.  Php Manual Browser is focus I hit Ctrl-T, 2.  Testing Browser Ctrl-T, 3.  So when I want to switch to putty, I just hit Ctrl-1.  Ctrl-3 to test again.  Ctrl-1 to look at my php.log.  Ctrl-2, back to the manual.

Ctrl-Shift-1, ctrl-alt-1 or whatever makes it easy to avoid other hot key combos.

Any takers?  Is this useful?

Skrommel's Software / Skrommel in PC Magazine 91 Utils
« on: March 31, 2008, 10:30 PM »
As seen in the article here: PC Mag LINK

 :Thmbsup: Skrommel  :beerchug: :greenclp:

Best Text Editor / Boxer Text Editor
« on: June 14, 2007, 09:21 AM »
Look for a DC Member discount offer soon. 
We've been selling text editors since 1991. We're experienced at what we do, and we listen to our customers. We've filled our Boxer Text Editor with the features and functions you need to make your editing tasks go as quickly and smoothly as possible.
    * Powerful macro language
    * Keystroke recording
    * Color syntax highlighting
    * HTML editing support
    * Edit files up to 2 GB
    * Color syntax printing
    * Multi-level undo and redo
    * Auto-Complete typing feature
    * Active spell checking
    * Manipulate column blocks
    * Perl RegExp search and replace
    * Reconfigurable keyboard
    * User-configurable toolbar
    * Extensive user configurability
    * Power Columns editing feature
    * Ctags Function Indexing support
    * Open and edit files via FTP
    * Project support
    * Calculator, calendar, ANSI charts...
    * Dual-monitor friendly
    * And hundreds of other features


Living Room / Is IRC Down?
« on: August 09, 2006, 06:18 PM »
I've been retrying (automatic) since 6:00 EDT to connect to EFnet.  Round robin server search....
Is it just me or is something wrong?

Their Quick Study articles are usually very good.  This one is really good.

[link from ComputerWorld]
July 31, 2006  (Computerworld) -- Perpendicular recording can increase magnetic media's capacity as much as 10 times. That means that microdrives that used to hold about 3,000 songs could provide room for about 30,000 songs. In more technical terms, that means it will be possible to store about 230 gigabits per square inch, or up to 20GB, on a 1-in. microdrive.
-The Article

See their Quick Study Article Index here:

As a follow-up to a recent ICQ discussion, mouser asked someone (I volunteered) to write up the status of the Virtual Machine Software in the world today.  Or at least the world as we know it.  :P

VMware has several offerings, both Free and Not Free.  Their list of Free Virtualization Products can be found here:

The summary of which is:

VMware Player
- Run, share and evaluate pre-built applications and beta software in virtual machines with VMware Player.
- You cannot create VM's with the Player.

VMware Server
- Runs on Windows or Linux, i386 or x86_64
- Create Virtual Servers and/or Workstation (No sound support)
- VMware Server replaces VMware GSX which requires an Operating System to install.

VMTN Virtual Appliances
- Download pre-installed and pre-configured applications that run in a virtual machine. Provided by VMware partners.

NON-FREE VMware Products
VMware Workstation
Use the VMware virtualization platform for development and testing and see immediate improvement in time to market, costs, and quality. Enterprise development organizations can consolidate servers and desktops used in test and development; copy exact multi-module production environment into virtual machines for testing; eliminate repetitive configuration tasks from development and testing cycles and simulate complex multi-tier applications on a single physical platform.

VMware ESX
This is VMware's serious enterprise stuff.  Create Virtual Servers and Manage Virtual Servers from your web browser.  Cluster physical servers to increase reliability.  Add VMotion to migrate Virtual Servers from one physical system to another while they are running.  Includes built-in cluster file system for simultainous access to data from different ESX Servers. 

Microsoft Vitrual Server 2005
In conjunction with Windows Server 2003, Virtual Server 2005 R2 provides a virtualization platform that runs most major x86 operating systems in a guest environment, and is supported by Microsoft as a host for Windows Server operating systems and Windows Server System applications. Virtual Server 2005 R2's comprehensive COM API, in combination with the Virtual Hard Drive (VHD) format and support for virtual networking, provide administrators complete scripted control of portable, connected virtual machines and enable easy automation of deployment, and ongoing change and configuration.
Free.  Currently at Beta 2.  See more here:

Microsoft Virtual PC w/ SP1
Virtual PC 2004 Service Pack 1 (SP1) is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems simultaneously on one workstation, providing a safety net to maintain compatibility with legacy applications while you migrate to a new operating system. It also saves reconfiguration time, so your support, development, and training staff can work more efficiently.
Free.  See the site:

From Xensource
Industry leading open source hypervisor virtualization technology. The Xen 3 hypervisor has the features and performance for production environments. Supports Intel VT, AMD Virtualization, 32-way SMP, PAE, and 64 bit addressing.
Free, but requires a modified kernel to run.

Also from Xensource
Xen Enterprise -
XenEnterprise™, the first commercially packaged and supported Xen solution, enables you to easily get Xen up and running. It’s an integrated package that includes a comprehensive tool set to simplify deployment, provisioning and management of a Xen-based virtual infrastructure.
Not Free.  See Xensource for details.

To Sum Up
VMware has 2 Free offerings:  A Player that plays pre-created Virutal Machines, and VMware Server, a free Server oriented virtualization product.  They also have VMware Workstation and ESX Server as commercial products.

Microsoft has a free Virtual Server and Virtual PC.

Xensource has a Free and and Commercial Enterprise version.

Virtualization is here to stay.  I have used VMware Server since the early betas and it is very fast and stable.
I have not used the others.  Give them a try and let us (all here at DC) know what you think.  :Thmbsup:

Please feel free to add or correct information here as needed.

[Edit Note: Thanks to Mouser for pointing out the Missing Virtual PC - d'oh!]

Living Room / Born in the wrong time...
« on: July 13, 2006, 09:29 PM »
So a year ago, I bought a set of Audrey Hepburn movies.  Beautiful Audrey  :-* is and was too old for me :(
So I just watched J. Love Hewitt :-* play Audrey in The Audrey Hepburn Story.  Where in the heck have I been?
Oh yeah, she's about 15 years too young for me :(

So, I've decided I was born in the wrong time, either 10 years to early, or 30 years too late.  Bummer.

At least Cody is ageless  ;D

General Software Discussion / VMware Server Now Available
« on: July 12, 2006, 11:41 PM »
Dear VMware Server Beta User,

We are excited to announce the release of VMware Server. VMware Server continues to be free and provides robust and proven server virtualization capabilities!  With the GA release, enterprise-class support and VirtualCenter management capabilities are available for purchase.

Download it here:

Read about it here:

EDIT:  The Beta has been out for a while, this is the GA Release of Version 1.0.

This is way cool.  A nice idea and it works pretty well.

OpenDNS says its free address-lookup service makes Web sites load faster, and that it blocks malicious, data-thieving phishing schemes and other threats. Furthermore, the service corrects obvious typos in URLs, sending people to the site they intended to visit, it says.

To pay for it, though, the company serves up ads and a search page, instead of an error page, if the user enters a Web address that doesn't exist or can't be corrected. The approach is similar one used in an unpopular VeriSign service called Site Finder, which was pulled soon after its launch in 2003.
-CNet News

Developer's Corner / DNS Service
« on: July 10, 2006, 11:36 PM »
One important note up front:  I will make a whopping $5.00 if you subscribe to this service.
Second note: I'd tell you the same thing if I didn't.

DNS Made Easy is a DNS plus other stuff service provider.  I have been using them for many years and have had ZERO problems.  I mention this because I have friends and acquaintances who have wasted many hours of their lives sweating over DNS and Mail Server issues, when they really didn't have to.

Yes you can host your own DNS or use the one from your ISP.  If that makes you happy, go for it.  I started using DNS Made Easy when I hosted web sites out of my house.  DNS is notorious for it's ugly configuration and it's terrible security.  I didn't want to learn to write DNS configs or keep up with the daily security patches, so I tried DNS Made Easy.  They have a nice web interface, with lots of pretty pictures and little help wizards. 

The also provide Backup Email Services, Full Email Services and a few other neat things.  They are all reasonably priced and, as I said before, I have had ZERO problems.

They claim 100% uptime on DNS and I believe them.

Here is the link that pays me:

Feel free to ask me any questions or just visit their site.  I hope you save yourself some hassle.

Why Middle Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke
There were over 1.6 million bankruptcy filings last year, up 7.4 percent from the previous year. And according to a new book, more people will end up in bankruptcy this year than will suffer a heart attack, than will be diagnosed with cancer or graduate from college, and it’s not who you would think. Elizabeth Warren is a Harvard law professor and bankruptcy expert and discusses these findings in her new book “The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke.” She discusses the book on “Today.” Read an excerpt here:

It's interesting to me to see how many people think a "good job" is "safe."  The problem seems to be relying on the 2 incomes for normal stuff.  A good read of "Who moved my cheese" and/or "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" could help a lot of people avoid these situtations.   :two:

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