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Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Prevent windows stealing focus
« on: February 18, 2019, 02:53 AM »
the issue is that on typing something a popup will appear, and the user ignorant of this, presses enter. depending on what program made that popup - the effects could be VERY bad (files being deleted etc!)

So a mini program to prevent all programs from stealing focus of input. And also - appearing off to the side, like toasties in windows. possibly even in a single column so that the user can deal with them all at once when they are done doing whatever they are doing. ONLY the active program can have popup windows in cetner - but tehy are still not stealing focus.


The issues is that people  attach files into other programs - but the database uses file name and file path to find the file. If the user wants to batch edit file titles at a later time, ALL the links will be broken. Some programs do allow users to find the files in new folder paths - but still require that the name be same.

one solution is that a unique title be given to the file that is 128 alphanumeric or more (it cna be sequential aaa1 aaa2 aaa9 aaab1 etc vs. random asdas3 asdad34 dsfsdfwr3), and the current existing title SHIFTED  to another feild - something similar to description ro comments field. In that way, both the user knows the content by reading the new title feild, but at the same time, can batch edit title later without the links being broken.

The interface would be a drag drop zone where the files to be modified are dropped on (something like the renamer program )
OR else theprogram can monitor certain folder and automatically do this shift & renaming as files are entered in the program.

probably cross platform is best. and portable.

A companion app to this to fix FILE PATHS being broken is a differnt method of storing files.

So the files would be in either totally flat or relatively flat folder (meaning not too deeply nested) that are VERY broad catergoies. Then Folder are created that represent the deeply nested categories.
the PROGRAM would simply  have 2 panes
in pane one its the flat list
in pane 2 the deep nested things
in dragging and dropping from pane 1 to 2 - 2 things happen:
1) links are created under the deeply nested folders and 2) tags that represent the immediate parent are attached in the tag feild of the file

BUT when you drag & drop links from the pane 2 onto a program where the attachments are -
then the program auto converts and send the link of the original file path (not the symbolic link)

This program might help with hard links: http://schinagl.priv...kshellextension.html

so in that way , it reduces the file paths breaking.

This one probably HAS to be cross os...becuase I know that shortcuts dont work across os.


Finally the last companion app to this might be a batch file attribute modifier (meaning the tag feilds, comment feilds, etc.) becuase more renamin program only batch edit the title feild.

Kind of like the renamer program mentioned above  but for meta data

Unless theres an easier way that already exists.

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