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Pages: [1]
Clipboard Help+Spell / Ignore List Part Deux
« on: September 24, 2021, 05:46 PM »
Hey Mouser,

I'm running CH&S v2.54.1 - Apr 2, 2020 (according to the help file.  Or v2.54.0 on the Help About screen)

Last year about this time, I reported a CTD in Affinity Designer while CHS was running, but not when it wasn't.  Adding the Affinity Designer exe to the ignore list wasn't working.  I got the CTD if CHS was monitoring the clipboard even though told to ignore Affinity.

So now I'm working in Excel.  It throws the error “The Picture Is Too Large and Will Be Truncated” whenever I try to copy a block of cells past a certain size.  If I turn off clipboard monitoring in CHS, the error stops in Excel.  Turn on monitoring in CHS and Excel throws the error again.  So I added excel.exe to the ignore list.  Nope.  Still throws the error (both programs restarted after adding Excel to the ignore list).

I don't know where we are with this, or where it ended after the previous round of discussions on this.  You asked me to send you an email, which I did, but idk what happened after that.

Could we please re-open this matter and get the ignore list working? 

Oh, and in doing some self-troubleshooting, I found this that you might be interested in (although you probably already know):  https://blog.techinl...d-will-be-truncated/

Clipboard Help+Spell / Ignore List
« on: September 04, 2020, 03:05 PM »
Hey Mouser,

I'm running CH&S v2.54.0.

A recent crash-to-desktop issue with Affinity Designer when copying a group of elements in a drawing caused me to reach out to them (Serif Software) to alert them to this 100% reproducible crash.  Their response was, "are you using a clipboard manager, and if so could you disable it and try again?"

Long story short, both CH&S and the new Windows 10 Clipboard History feature were running.  When I exited CH&S and turned off Clipboard History, Affinity Designer stopped crashing.  So I turned them on again, but NOT at the same time.  If either is running Affinity Designer will crash.  So that's a "bug" that Serif Software needs to deal with.

"I thought to myself, CH&S has an ignore list.  If I add Designer.exe to the ignore list, it shouldn't crash."  But it does!

So, TLDR:  Affinity Designer doesn't like clipboard managers and will crash performing a copy operation if one is running, but setting CH&S to ignore Affinity Designer doesn't fix the problem.  So I'm here to ask you why, if CH&S is set to ignore Affinity Designer, it is still interacting with it in some way and causing it to crash?  (or have I done it wrong somehow?)

Clipboard Help+Spell / BUG? Second Past Always As Plain Text
« on: January 14, 2020, 08:52 AM »
It didn't work like this before the last update, so perhaps a bug introduced in the recent update?

I need to make several emails in Microsoft Outlook (Office 365 ProPlus) to different people.  The body of the email contains links and other formatting.  I copy from one email and post into another, new email.  The links and formatting all come along for the ride as expected.  I then copy the Subject from the first email and paste into the second.  That's a plain text field and the paste is successful as expected.  Now I go on to create yet another new email, but since I already have the body stuff in CHS, I paste from there.  This time it comes through as plain text; all links and formatting are stripped out.

It would seem that I can past something with links/formatting endlessly and it will all come through just fine until I copy something else, at which point the previous copy reverts to plain text.

Is there anything I (or you) can do about this?

At the start of this post I said it may be a problem with the new release, but honestly, I'm not 100% sure on that.  I've detected some inconsistencies with pasting formatted stuff into Outlook before, but I'm not sure what the problem or the pattern is that makes it not work.

Clipboard Help+Spell / This Drives Me Crazy
« on: May 09, 2018, 12:50 PM »
Coming from ClipMate and usually using the full window (Explorer Classic, I think he calls it) I expect invoking the window will put me in the grid on the TOP row and sorted by whatever I set.  In ClipMate, that was typically either ClipID (a unique, incrementing integer ID) or date so that I was always positioned at the top with the most recent clip selected.

So here in CHS, I expect the same, but instead, I often find myself at the bottom of the list FAR FAR AWAY from the top as shown in the screenshot.  Now, how can I get CHS to ALWAYS put me at the top of the list, on the most recent clip?

Screenshot - 5_9_2018 , 11_02_12 AM.png

Clipboard Help+Spell / Formatting Presets SNAFU
« on: May 09, 2018, 12:38 PM »
Okay, so here I am in Notepad++ and I'm going to try out a formatting preset.  So as you can see, I have the second line of text selected.

Screenshot - 5_9_2018 , 12_20_42 PM.png

I'm going to try the DashToTab preset, and as there is a dash in the selected text, I presume it will be converted to a tab.

Screenshot - 5_9_2018 , 12_23_01 PM.png

This is what I get.  Whaaaaaat?

Screenshot - 5_9_2018 , 12_25_04 PM.png

So I hit Ctrl+z to undo since obviously this didn't work.  This is what I get:

Screenshot - 5_9_2018 , 12_25_42 PM.png

Okay, let's try Ctrl+z one more time...

Screenshot - 5_9_2018 , 12_26_14 PM.png

Wow.  Again...

Screenshot - 5_9_2018 , 12_27_15 PM.png

OMG!  Again?

Screenshot - 5_9_2018 , 12_28_04 PM.png

Yea!  Back to square one.  But, I mean, WTH?   :huh:

Clipboard Help+Spell / Case Change Not Registered on Clipboard
« on: May 03, 2018, 09:41 AM »
I just copied a line of text from Chrome that was all uppercase.  I uses CHS to change to title case and accepted the reformatted clip.  On the main CHS window, the change was applied.  When I subsequently pasted it into the Excel spreadsheet I was working in, it came in as all uppercase.  Checking the quick paste menu(?) you get by clicking on the tray icon, the entry there was still all uppercase.  I had to go back into the main window and double click the title case version then go over to Excel and past it in.  That time I got the correct case.

And sorry for not knowing all the correct CHS terminology.  I'm a fairly noob user of CHS.

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