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Atomates context-sensitive writing and action. Is an unobtrusive IntelliSense for all programs, all websites, all apps, all windows, just everything that runs in Windows.

Background: this is a script (AHK) I've developed and used for a long time. First for me alone and since last year open source at github.
BTW is a mix of various other programs and pieces from everywhere. my special thanks go to the members and founders of autohotkey and the programmer of typingAid.

global-IntelliSense-everywhere is an open source program written in AutoHotkey which allows you to store and (incrementally) search and edit texts in every window or site or ... context-sensitive. Text could be programms also. Therfore i call it often actions and not text.

It is highly recommended to learn a bit of autohotkey if you want to produce something more inteligent. Examples can be found on github. there is also the possibility for kotlin (java) actions. but is currently more in an experimental stage.

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