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Topics - mnemonic [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
General Software Discussion / The sad death of a developer
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:24 PM »
I'm not sure if anyone knows, but the developer of the wonderful Acemoney software was killed, along with his family, several weeks ago in an aeroplane crash in Russia.  Alexander was a role model for what a developer should do - frequent updates and very active on his support forum.

Currently, the forum is full of people trying to find out what will happen to the software now.  As morbid as it is, do people have plans for what will happen to their software if the worst happens?

Found Deals and Discounts / JetBrains' PyCharm
« on: July 21, 2010, 03:40 PM »
JetBrains are offering a 50% discount on the final version of PyCharm, due in the autumn.

50% off PyCharm

For the price, it's a very good editor and is the first python editor that's made me consider moving away from a bog-standard text editor.  The debugging support seems excellent.

Python / Python application examples
« on: June 19, 2010, 04:39 PM »
A list of open-source applications written in python that should help to explain application structure:

These also use wxPython:

Feel free to add any more to this thread.

Developer's Corner / A list of free programming ebooks
« on: June 19, 2010, 01:51 PM »

Living Room / Supercomputers of the world
« on: May 31, 2010, 04:18 PM »
Supercomputers of the world

A really interesting interactive graphic about the supercomputers of the world.

Developer's Corner / "Rites of Passage" applications
« on: May 30, 2010, 05:42 PM »
It's always said that there are certain applications that all learning developers have to write as part of their "rites of passage".

A starter for ten...a text editor.

Any more?

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / NANY 2010 Release: LittleRunner
« on: December 19, 2009, 05:02 AM »
NANY 2010 Entry Information

Application Name LittleRunner
Version 1.3
Short Description A runner's database.
Supported OSes Windows.
Web Page LittleRunner on RedMine
Download Link[url=[/url]
System Requirements
  • Windows.
Version History
  • 1.0 Final - 20091231
  • 1.1 Beta - 20100110
  • 1.2 - 20100116
  • 1.2.1 - 20100526
  • 1.2.2 - 20100601
  • 1.3 - 20100702
Author https://www.donation...tion=profile;u=48731

A little application that records a runners schedule.

The application will allow routes to be programmed in and then runs to be recorded against those routes.
  • Records routes and descriptions
  • Records runs and times, along with comments
  • Shows individual run speeds and overall average
  • Allows both DD/MM/YY and MM/DD/YY date formatting
  • Allows specification of distance units in either miles or kilometres
  • CSV export
  • Sorting of data
  • (Very) basic printing

Planned Features
  • Filtering what is shown on mainscreen e.g. only a certain route, only runs this month (definitely not ready for 1st January)
  • Totals and averages by month, week etc. (definitely not ready for 1st January)
  • Better printing support


Adding a new route:

Adding a new run (distance and description automatically populated via selecting a route from the dropdown):

The main screen:

The settings dialog:

Unzip into a folder that you have full write access to.

Using the Application
Add some routes.
Then add some runs.
That's it.

Just delete the directory.

Known Issues
It's the first thing I'll ever have written for general consumption, so make of that what you will...

DC Gamer Club / Retro remakes
« on: July 30, 2009, 03:22 PM »
These guys have made a few fantastic remakes of old games:

Ovine by Design

I've now managed to fulfill a lifelong dream and finally complete Cholo  :)

Python / wxFormBuilder
« on: July 15, 2009, 03:41 PM »
The wonderful, open-source wxFormBuilder (used for building wxWidgets forms) has a new beta containing Python code generation. 

Seems pretty stable at the moment  :Thmbsup:

Makes building GUIs using wxPython a breeze!

Developer's Corner / Accessor methods vs public variables
« on: June 13, 2009, 04:44 AM »
How do you decide on whether an attribute of a class is public or has an accessor method?

For example, a Cody class could be written in two ways (I'm not including variables that you create / modify with get / set methods):

Code: C# [Select]
  1. class Cody {
  2.         public string colour = white;
  3.         public int age = 10;
  4. }

Code: C# [Select]
  1. class Cody {
  2.         private string colour = white;
  3.         private int age = 10;
  5.         public void setColour(string colourIn) {
  6.                 this.colour = colourIn;
  7.         }
  9.         public string getColour() {
  10.                 return this.colour;
  11.         }
  13.         public void setAge(int ageIn) {
  14.                 this.age = ageIn;
  15.         }
  17.         public int getAge() {
  18.                 return this.age;
  19.         }
  20. }

Do you just create accessor methods (is that the correct term?) for those attributes that are likely to be complex or may need transformation, or do you create them for everything and leave nothing public?

DC Gamer Club / Game endings (no spoilers)
« on: May 17, 2009, 11:52 AM »
Ok, so you slave away playing a game for countless days, destroying your social life and turning pale through a lack of sun.  And then you complete it, but your sense of achievement is destroyed by the most pathetic, pitiful ending ever.  Think Monkey Island 2, where you woke up and it was all a dream (sorry, that was a spoiler, but the game is ancient).

Anyway, how about a DC list of games that are worth playing for their great ending.

Your starter-for-ten: Portal (one of the funniest endings ever)

General Software Discussion / A bit of Microsoft loving
« on: May 02, 2009, 08:24 AM »
Before I start, I will say that I am in no-way affiliated with Microsoft.

I'm currently using a self-built desktop (old AMD64) running Windows 7 RC (takes some getting used to, but is a great step in the right direction), a low-end Dell laptop running Vista Business (never had any problems with it at all) and a Tranquil home server running Windows Home Server.  The desktop and laptop back-up their important files to the server via Microsoft's Synctoy (Windows Home Server offers the ability for the computers to completely back themselves up, but I'd rather just re-install Windows from scratch and copy the important files back).  Files that I want easy access to are managed by Dropbox and off-site backups are performed using Jungledisk on each machine, backing-up to Amazon S3.

Switch-on either the desktop or laptop and they automatically login to the home server.  Jungledisk runs once an hour and does off-site backups.  Dropbox does its syncing without asking.  Synctoy runs once a day to backup files to the server.  Each time I switch on my Xbox 360 to watch a video, the home server serves the files without complaint.

It all just works.

I've tried to love Ubuntu and even went so far as to install Ubuntu desktop, syncing with Ubuntu server (serving the xbox via Twonky server), but it was all so fiddly and Ubuntu server would occasionally throw its toys out of the pram and fail to share its folders with the rest of the setup.  After a while, there's only so much tinkering I can take before I just want the bloomin' thing to work.

So, I never thought I'd say this, but are Microsoft actually getting it right?

This is rapidly becoming a forum for giving away HL2 gifts  ;D

I have a spare copy of HL2 available as a result of having bought it and then having bought The Orange Box.

Again, first PM will get the gift of gaming.

tinjaw is now a HL2 owner.

Developer's Corner / Unit Testing - Do you do it? If so, how?
« on: April 11, 2009, 11:03 AM »
I'm a "gradually improving" newbie developer and currently have a fairly blasé and ad-hoc approach to testing.  Having done a bit of reading, it seems that the next thing to learn is unit testing.  However, although I get the principle (ensuring that code changes don't break the overall code), I don't really understand how unit testing is done - especially around unit testing frameworks.

If you're writing your own applications at home, do you use unit testing?  If so, how do you do it?  Is this just a list of tests and values to use in those tests, or do you employ a more automated method?  (Any references to how to do this in python will be given extra points).


Developer's Corner / Deisgn of applications at home
« on: March 23, 2009, 01:53 PM »
At work, we design Java applications using "UML as a blueprint", having separate people designing and coding the applications.  Although this is a tedious and long-winded process (mainly due to the synchronisation of the UML classes and the developed classes), generally the objects designed reflect the developed classes that go-live.

During coding at home, I've always tended to jump straight into coding applications - almost always meaning a complete overhaul of the objects halfway through the development process due to them becoming "just a load of barely-related subroutines".

Does anyone do any up-front design on their applications when working on an application where they are the sole developer?  Or, does the whole "re-architect half-way through development" always happen and it just gets better with experience?

Python / Link to a series of python challenges
« on: December 22, 2008, 01:08 PM »
Here is a fun little site, full of challenges that can be solved using python:

Python challenge

Python / wxPython tutorial link
« on: December 11, 2008, 02:20 PM »
Here's a really good wxPython tutorial:

Zetcode wxPython tutorial

There's also a whole host of other tutorials (including one on Python):

Other Zetcode tutorials

I'm looking for a simple little program that allows for the organisation of document shortcuts from disparate folders into projects.

As a quick mock-up, it might look a bit like this:


In the perfect world, it would have the following features:
  • Drag and drop a document into the window and a new row is created
  • Ability to quickly and simply move the rows up and down or assign projects (or have a simple text interface like Todopaper)
  • Ability to rename the files inside the organiser without renaming the target file
  • Be free or relatively cheap
  • Be small and portable

Does anything like this exist?



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