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Topics - Masonjar13 [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
N.A.N.Y. 2015 / NANY 2015 Release: Tox Profile Launcher
« on: December 05, 2014, 06:58 PM »
NANY 2015 Release Information

Application NameTox Profile Launcher
Short DescriptionTox launcher to handle multiple profiles.
Supported OSesWindows 7/8
Web PageN/A (for now)
Setup FileTox Launcher
Requires µTox
Password: Masonjar13
DescriptionI recently started using Tox in place of Skype, mainly because of privacy issues. Now, Tox is still in development and it looks as if they will be supporting this in the future, however, I'm using it now, and that functionality is important for me.

This Tox launcher handles all profiles for Tox. Natively, it only supports one profile, which consists of two files located in %appdata%\Tox. What this launcher does is archives those two files, each named respectively for what you name them via the gui. There is no limit to how many profiles you can have. To load them, simply start the launcher and double-click the profile in the listview control. To import, export, or create a new profile, just click the respective buttons.
  • Import/export existing profiles
  • Create new profiles
  • If there are no saved profiles, a text will appear in the listview to let you save the current one
  • Window may be moved by clicking anywhere on it that isn't a button (it's borderless)
  • Uses non-installed custom font to match the gui
InstallationUnzip and run. µTox must be installed before running.
NotesRequires µTox.

Tox is in development, which means it may be buggy.
I have not contacted the creators in any way, nor have I used any of their source.

UI made entirely by my friend (name unstated until I have their permission)

Living Room / Mailpile [Beta]
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:39 AM »
Mailpile is in beta! Anyone else excited? I've only just installed it and it's still downloading my absurd amount of emails, but the UI is very slick, very user-friendly. Not sure how other email clients are, but it's browser-based from a localhost port. Time to bug test :D already found that you can't double-click the tray icon to open it  :-[.

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / NANY Pledge: Tox Profile Client
« on: October 13, 2014, 02:06 PM »
So I've had some code to help use VLC in.. interesting ways. One way is visually: move the window to a corner or center it, remove the border (while keeping functionality for moving it), and re-sizing it to album-art-ish size, just to make it look good when throwing it into a corner while playing music. Another way is to list an organized library of music, which follows a very strict hierarchy (Folder containing all artist folders > Albums (will also find songs here) > Songs). Finds most audio types (no videos). It needs to be HEAVILY modified to be used by other systems. I may also add a duplicate of that, but for videos, at the community's request :) I also had the idea of grabbing the currently played song and opening a lyrics page, but there's already a bunch of plugins for that that would probably be better, so maybe not?

If anyone can think of any worth additions, my eyes and ears are open!

The Tox profile client is fairly simple. It will allow you to change profiles, export, and import them. This is especially useful if you have multiple computers (like me). This will be the launcher for the Tox binary as well.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Tox, you may peruse their main site.

Coding Snacks / Drawing Shapes in AHK (Proof-of-Concept)
« on: August 24, 2014, 02:51 AM »
I wrote a function for someone on one of the AHK forums to get coords based off known coords, length, and angle. I then decided to play into it a bit and draw some shapes. Here's a pretty good demo I made, although, please note that for polygons, it will never have more inner-vectors compared to the outer-vectors, because I wanted it that way  :Thmbsup:

  •  Run script
  •  Open a new paint window, full-screen
  •  The rest should be self-explanatory (starting coords are always the center of the screen)
AHK-Draw Demo
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  2. Process,Priority,,R
  4. ; Make Gui's
  5. Gui,1:Add,Button,gCircle w130 h50,Circle
  6. Gui,1:Add,Button,gPolygon w130 h50,Polygon
  7. Gui,1:Add,Button,gSpiral w130 h50,Spiral
  8. Gui,2:Add,Text,,Radius:
  9. Gui,2:Add,Edit,vlen Limit4,
  10. Gui,2:Add,Button,gCircleOK,Draw!
  11. Gui,3:Add,Text,,Layer count:
  12. Gui,3:Add,Edit,vLcnt Limit5,
  13. Gui,3:Add,Text,ym,Narrowness (1 - 100):
  14. Gui,3:Add,Edit,vNarrow Limit3,
  15. Gui,3:Add,Button,gSpiralOk,Draw!
  16. Gui,4:Add,Text,,Outward radius:
  17. Gui,4:Add,Edit,vOrad Limit4,
  18. Gui,4:Add,Text,,`nInward radius:
  19. Gui,4:Add,Edit,vIrad Limit4,
  20. Gui,4:Add,Text,ym,Outward vectors (count):
  21. Gui,4:Add,Edit,vOvec Limit3,
  22. Gui,4:Add,Text,,`nInward vectors (count):
  23. Gui,4:Add,Edit,vIvec Limit3,
  24. Gui,4:Add,Text,ym,Angle:
  25. Gui,4:Add,Edit,vPang Limit4,
  26. Gui,4:Add,Button,gPolygonOk,Draw!
  28. ; main gui
  29. +1::
  30. Gui,1:Show,,Draw
  31. return
  33. Circle: ; circle gui
  34. Gui,2:Show,,Draw Circle
  35. return
  36. CircleOK: ; draw circle
  38. Loop 361
  39. {
  40.     GetPosFromAngle(mx,my,A_ScreenWidth/2,A_ScreenHeight/2,len,A_Index)
  41.     MouseMove,% mx,% my,0
  42.     if(A_Index=1)
  43.         Send {LButton down}
  44. }
  45. Send {LButton up}
  46. BlockInput MouseMoveOff
  47. return
  49. Spiral: ; spiral gui
  50. Gui,3:Show,,Draw Spiral
  51. return
  52. SpiralOK: ; draw spiral
  53. ind:=0
  54. Send {LButton down}
  56. Loop %Lcnt%
  57. {
  58.     Loop 360
  59.     {
  60.         ind++
  61.         GetPosFromAngle(mx,my,A_ScreenWidth/2,A_ScreenHeight/2,ind*(Narrow*0.01),A_Index)
  62.         MouseMove,% mx,% my,0
  63.     }
  64. }
  65. Send {LButton up}
  66. BlockInput MouseMoveOff
  67. return
  69. Polygon: ; polygon gui
  70. Gui,4:Show,,Draw Polygon
  71. return
  72. PolygonOk: ; draw polygon
  73. if(Ovec+Ivec > 360){
  74.     msgbox,,Error,Can not have more than 360 vectors.
  75.     return
  76. }
  77. ind:=0
  79. GetPosFromAngle(mx,my,A_ScreenWidth/2,A_ScreenHeight/2,Orad,Pang)
  80. MouseMove,% mx,% my,0
  81. Send {LButton down}
  82. Lpc:= Ovec + Ivec
  83. Ovec--
  84. iys:=1
  86. Loop % Lpc
  87. {
  88.     ind+=360/Lpc
  89.     GetPosFromAngle(mx,my,A_ScreenWidth/2,A_ScreenHeight/2,iys?Irad:Orad,ind+Pang)
  90.     MouseMove,% mx,% my,0
  91.     Ivec-=iys ? 1 : 0
  92.     Ovec-=!iys ? 1 : 0
  93.     iys:=Ivec < 1 ? 0 : !iys
  94.     Sleep 15 ; seems to be inconsistent during multiple runs without delay
  95. }
  96. Send {LButton up}
  97. BlockInput MouseMoveOff
  98. return
  100. +2:: ; stop drawing
  101. if(GetKeyState("LButton"))
  102.     Send {LButton up}
  104. +3:: ; kill
  105. if(GetKeyState("LButton"))
  106.     Send {LButton up}
  108. ; ***function(s)***
  110. GetPosFromAngle(ByRef x2,ByRef y2,x1,y1,len,ang){
  111.     ang := (ang-90) * 0.0174532925
  112.     x2 := x1 + len * cos(ang)
  113.     y2 := y1 + len * sin(ang)
  114. }

Demo pics

The hotkeys are Shift+1 to bring up the main gui, Shift+2 to instantly interrupt the drawing, Shift+3 to kill the script.

I encourage modification of this code, but request acknowledgement if my function is used elsewhere, thanks!  8)

General Software Discussion / Append audio to video - command line
« on: August 09, 2014, 09:45 PM »
I'm looking for a way to append a single mp3 with a single mp4. I have several hundred video/audio pairs that need this done. I'm not doing them each by hand, which is why I specifically need a command-line software. I tried with Avidemux:
Code in AHK
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. Loop, *.mp3
  2. {
  3.     StringReplace,vname,A_LoopFileName,mp3,mp4
  4.     RunWait, %Comspec% /c avidemux --load %vname% --external-mp3 %A_loopFileName% --audio-map --save /done/%A_LoopFileName% --output-format MP4 --quit
  5. }

But all that does is open the program in a window. Same response when ran directly from the cmd prompt. Are there any other programs out there that can do this? Or is there just something wrong with my commands?

Living Room / LinuxCon 2014
« on: August 08, 2014, 12:23 PM »
Through my college, I'm getting into LinuxCon for free :up: I'm super excited about it! I've never actually been to a convention before though, so it'll be extra interesting. Is anyone else attending?

N.A.N.Y. 2014 / NANY 2014
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:39 PM »
This is fairly short notice for me, but I managed to throw something together, albeit, it's not great. Mostly just some old, but still in use, programs, re-written-ish for the occasion. Includes: Decimal-to-Hex converter, music lyrics finder, visual alarm, and CGen - a concept work from some time back. There's more info within the program.

I can't wait to have time so I can browse the other entries!
I hope mine's enough at least for you all :D enjoy!

Living Room / New guy on the forums
« on: August 04, 2014, 04:26 PM »
Do you allow anyone to just walk into your living room?  :P

Hello everyone!

A little about myself: I'm just another coder. I mostly write in AutoHotkey for simplicity, but I code in other languages as well. Currently a CIS student, so I can only be so active here. I have many utilities and such that I want to revise for release and post here. You can find me under this name on both AHK forums. I'm very easy-going; chances are, I won't be offended by anything anyone has to say. If anyone needs help or would like me to code for them (in AHK), I'll do my best, but please don't ask for big projects, I don't have the time.

I've heard good things about this community, I'm glad to become part of it  :)

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