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Screenshot Captor / Resize image dialog is buggy in Windows 7
« on: October 23, 2015, 12:44 AM »
The Edit / Resize Image (or canvas) dialog looks quite weird in Windows 7. Especially since the "Add a uniform border of size" textbox is completely out of sight...


I am using Windows 7 Pro, 64 Bit and Screenshot Captor 4.13.0

Screenshot Captor / SUGGESTION: Pixelate in Toolbar
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:32 AM »
I just downloaded the latest version of SC and it seems to be getting better and better  :-*. I especially like the (new?) "pixelate inside selection" command in SpecialFX1. Would it be possible to add this to the available toolbar buttons in Options->Advanced Tweaking -> More Interface Options? And while you're at it, you could do the same for "Splice out strip defined by selection - Deluxe effects".

That'd be great.

Since a few versions the thumbnail-pane seems not to scroll down automatically anymore. This is a minor annoyance as the thumbnails are sorted "latest at the bottom" (which is not changeable to "latest at top" by the way) and so I always have to scroll down manually to see the latest screenshots.

Am I the only person experiencing this?

Screenshot Captor / Menu toolbar behaves weird
« on: May 15, 2012, 03:25 AM »
Hi mouser,

today, my SC started with its menu toolbar on a very unusual spot (see attachment).

* Bildschuss_20120515_10-16-32.jpg (139.09 kB. 1197x946 - viewed 357 times.)

I have absolutely no idea how it got there and how to get it "on top" again.

Any suggestion?


I use TapTap a LOT and just love it. But now I seem to have stumbled upon a little bug.

My configuration looks like this:

-- snip---

// double right control to Control+V
keymap   DRC      :   C+V

// double right shift to Control+C
keymap   DRS      :   C+C

-- snip---

It works nearly always, but if I

- try to copy a filename from the Windows Explorer (right-click -> rename)


- try to copy the address from the addressbar of the Windows explorer

via Double-Right-Shift, nothing gets copied to the clipboard.

It's not a severe bug but a little annoying.

I use
Windows 7 Enterprise 64Bit
currently updated version (May 26, 2011)

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