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Topics - mitzevo [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Is 'the cloud' becoming the 'SkyNet'?
« on: September 09, 2013, 09:19 AM »
I was just thinking, pondering really, about the cloud and what it could become in the not so distant future 8 ~ 16 years from now.

We (well some of us) store a lot of our data in/on(?) the cloud -- a giant web/network of computers, servers, and other hardware devices.

If we continue to store all of our information; sort (tag, categorize, prioritize, etc) it, and store it on "the cloud" / internet, other than our own brains/memory, this makes our data easily "navigate-able" or understandable by humans and also computers/AI who somehow gets access to this data.)

More and more people are getting online each year, and more and more people are buying and using smartphones -- not only are we storing all types of data in the cloud, we are also quite easily located via our constant connections to the network, the grid, the overture, the omnivore, the echolon, yadda yadda ya.

We should be careful how well we organize our data. It's basically providing a roadmap to who ever is access that data into how you think and operate.

What do you think? I'm interested in hearing other peoples thoughts and opinions on this matter.

Could the cloud (i.e., cloud branded services) eventually evolve into interconnected clouds, which would them finally form the overall, mega ultimate cloudnet/skynet?

SkyDrive anyone?  ;D

Sharing is caring!

NSA surveillance: A guide to staying secure
"The NSA has huge capabilities – and if it wants in to your computer, it's in. With that in mind, here are five ways to stay safe"

Full article: NSA surveillance: A guide to staying secure

Now that we have enough details about how the NSA eavesdrops on the internet, including today's disclosures of the NSA's deliberate weakening of cryptographic systems, we can finally start to figure out how to protect ourselves.

For the past two weeks, I have been working with the Guardian on NSA stories, and have read hundreds of top-secret NSA documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden. I wasn't part of today's story – it was in process well before I showed up – but everything I read confirms what the Guardian is reporting.

At this point, I feel I can provide some advice for keeping secure against such an adversary.

The primary way the NSA eavesdrops on internet communications is in the network. That's where their capabilities best scale. They have invested in enormous programs to automatically collect and analyze network traffic. Anything that requires them to attack individual endpoint computers is significantly more costly and risky for them, and they will do those things carefully and sparingly.

This is actually a few months old (not breaking news), but thought I'd share:

Orbit Downloader, a popular download manager, may contain code that could control your computer for malicious purposes, such as DDoS, and who knows what else!

Here's an excerpt from SoftPedia (Orbit Downloader Contains DDOS Component, ESET Warns):

The application generates revenue for the developer by displaying ads and being bundled with all sorts of third-party software. This is common for many downloaders, but what ESET researchers have uncovered is not.

They’ve found that sometime between December 25, 2012 (version and January 10, 2013, (version a malicious component was added to the main executable file orbitdm.exe.

This new component actually turns the application into a distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) tool.

This wouldn't suprise a few members here, as Orbit downloader has been in the spotlight here at the DC forums in the past for behaving suspiciously (BEWARE: IE7Pro and OrbitDownloader post by wordzilla from 2007, almost 7 years ago!)

Make sure you software fanatics are staying safe and running some kind of protection/firewall/av that can (at least try to help) in preventing rogue software from operating on your computer(s).

Stay safe! :Thmbsup:

The Myth of the ‘Post-PC Era’: Why tablets and smartphones will never replace the PC  :Thmbsup:

What are your guys&gals take on Smartphones and tablets replacing PCs? I agree with the linked article above, that PC/Laptops will remain superior for "high-end" jobs such as graphics design, 3d modeling, software development, coding, "proper" gaming, etc. The average PC user (facebookr, chatting/iming, etc.) will not have a need for such "high-end" things and will be happy with smaller devices, more limited devices.  ;D

Ok sure, some devices you can root/jailbreak and you have more control, but still, can't beat a rig/computer with full decent size screen, horse power, nice keyboard for blazing input, mouse for design, gaming, etc.

Are smart phones, outsmarting PCs?

About Panda Antivirus 2011:
The new Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 offers the easiest and most intuitive protection for your computer. Install it and forget about viruses, spyware, root kits, hackers and online fraud. Chat, share photos and videos, do online shopping and banking, read your favorite blogs or browse the web with total peace of mind and without interruptions.

About Panda Internet Security 2011:
Panda Internet Security 2011 allows you to use the Internet for anything, like shopping and banking online, with total peace of mind and without any interruption. It protects you from viruses, hackers, online fraud, identity theft and all the other known and unknown threats.

To get the six months OEM installer, visit the Special Promo Page and click on the “DESCARGAR GRATIS” button.
NOTE: The OEM does not require any license or serial for activation. The keycode embedded in the installer will automatically activate Panda AV/ IS 2011 for 6 months.

Google Rankage, a GM script for adding numbers next to google search results, making it easy to see their positions (saves counting ;).


Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name            Google Rankage BETA
  3. // @author          mitzevo <>
  4. // @description     Google Rankage, a GM script for adding numbers next to google search results, making it easy to see their positions (saves counting ;)).
  5. // @include         http://google.*/*
  6. // @include*/*
  7. // ==/UserScript==
  10. // todo: filter out news and shopping results on first page.. making the first page appear to have 11 or 12 results..
  11. // todo: improve chinese listings beyond the 100.. probably improve/optimize/compact the code at a later stage or sum thin..
  12. // todo: on some pages are not showing the numbers, have to debug that.
  13. // todo: when logged into google account, results don't show numbers.. debug.
  15. (function() {
  16.         var lang; //Display numbers in English or Chinese ('en' or 'zh')?:
  17.          lang = 'en';
  19.         var langhash = new Array(); //unicodes for english and chinese numbers
  20.          langhash['en'] = new Array(); langhash['zh'] = new Array();
  21.          langhash['en'][0] = "\u0030"; langhash['zh'][0] = "\uLING";
  22.          langhash['en'][1] = "\u0031"; langhash['zh'][1] = "\u4e00";
  23.          langhash['en'][2] = "\u0032"; langhash['zh'][2] = "\u4e8c";
  24.          langhash['en'][3] = "\u0033"; langhash['zh'][3] = "\u4e09";
  25.          langhash['en'][4] = "\u0034"; langhash['zh'][4] = "\u56db";
  26.          langhash['en'][5] = "\u0035"; langhash['zh'][5] = "\u4e94";
  27.          langhash['en'][6] = "\u0036"; langhash['zh'][6] = "\u516d";
  28.          langhash['en'][7] = "\u0037"; langhash['zh'][7] = "\u4e03";
  29.          langhash['en'][8] = "\u0038"; langhash['zh'][8] = "\u516b";
  30.          langhash['en'][9] = "\u0039"; langhash['zh'][9] = "\u4e5d";
  31.          langhash['en'][10] = "\u0039"; langhash['zh'][10] = "\u5341";
  32.          //langhash['en'][11] = "\u0031\u0030"; langhash['zh'][11] = "\u5341\u4e00"; //.. we will generate the sequence later instead of hardcoding.
  34.         var start = window.location.href.match("start=([0-9]+)"); //get the start param value from the loaded/loading/gs'd page..
  35.          start = (start == null)? 0 : start[1]; //alert("start = "+start); // ^if it doesn't exist, it's a fresh page/first page listing.
  36.         var page = start/10 + 1; //page = (pos == 0)? 1 : (pos/10 + 1); alert("page = "+page);
  37.         var pos = start; //pos = start;
  39.         //find out which <ol> contains the organic results by matching the footprint.. (easily found when comparing the html source of a few G queries)
  40.         var ol = document.getElementsByTagName("ol")[0]; // let's try the first one..
  41.          ol = (ol.innerHTML.substr(0,8) == '<!--m-->') ? ol : document.getElementsByTagName("ol")[1]; //does the first match the footprint? if not, it's the second one we're after
  42.          ol = (ol.innerHTML.substr(0,8) == '<!--m-->') ? ol : document.getElementsByTagName("ol")[2]; //does the second match the footprint? if not, it's the thirc one we're after
  43.          ol = (ol.innerHTML.substr(0,8) == '<!--m-->') ? ol : document.getElementsByTagName("ol")[3]; //does the third match the footprint? if not, it's the fourth one we're after
  44.         var lis = ol.getElementsByTagName('li');                 
  45.         for(var i = 0, li; li = lis[i]; i++){
  46.                 if(li.className=='g'){
  47.                         var ones, tens, position;
  48.                         pos++;
  49.                         if(pos < 10){
  50.                                 position = langhash[lang][pos];
  51.                         }else if(pos < 100){
  52.                                 position = String(pos);
  53.                                 tens = langhash[lang][position.substr(0,1)]; ones = langhash[lang][position.substr(1,1)];
  54.                                 if(lang == 'en'){
  55.                                         position = tens+ones
  56.                                 }else{
  57.                                         if(pos > 9 && pos < 20)
  58.                                          position = (pos != 10)? langhash['zh'][10]+ones : langhash['zh'][10];
  59.                                         else if(pos > 19 && pos < 100)
  60.                                          position = (pos != 20 && pos != 30 && pos != 40 && pos != 50 && pos != 60 && pos != 70 && pos != 80 && pos != 90)? tens+langhash['zh'][10]+ones : tens+langhash['zh'][10];
  61.                                         else
  62.                                          position = tens+langhash['zh'][10]+ones;
  63.                                 }
  64.                         }
  65.                         li.innerHTML = '<span style="color: black; background-color: yellow; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; border: none; padding: 1px 3px 2px 3px;"><a title=\''+position+'\'>'+position+'</a></span> '+li.innerHTML;
  66.                 }
  67.         }
  68. })();

I know there are lot of search/seo tools (browser extensions, softwares, scripts, etc.) that already include the feature of adding numbers next to search listing, but I just wanted to make a small script just for my use - I thought I'd share it, and there it is in beta form :) It's not much, but it does have an option to specify to display ENGLISH or CHINESE numbers which I think is pretty cool considering I've never coded any thing with any type of language support :P and because it gave me a small task to achieve.

You can add this to GM by saving this code as a new file, probably google_rankage.user.js (must have the .user.js ending), and dropping the file into Firefox (assusming GM is indeed installed and enabled!)

Living Room / Beware the Google Threat - Big Fat Ass Brother (BFAB)
« on: August 21, 2008, 10:45 PM »
Google shapes our lives.. well for those who use it any how. Ok, search engines shape our lives, google def. not an exception. All hail big G!  :'(

When we boot up and get online we hardly notice that Google dispatches a cookie set to expire in 35 years. Then Google filters our reality, dictates our aesthetic, collates and catalogs our memories, chooses what information we mine. The Google experience becomes a collective Rorschach test, which shapes our worldview and affects who we are and what we will become.

Source: - Beware the Google Threat
Written back in 2005 and only one comment?! Looks like people have other things to worry about..

Suppliments: http://www.signonsan.../news_mz1e29top.html - The Google threat - Google: Threat or Menace?
http://www.buzzmachi...onsolidation-google/ -The real media consolidation: Google - Google Watch - must see

Hi my name is mitzevo and I am a software addict, some times I think I spend more time playing around with software than actually using it for its purpose, for instance, I try test at least 3 apps from one category (ftp programs, text editors, etc.), it really is time consuming, but I'm just trying to find the best for myself and now I have no GBs!.. Can any one help me? I need extra GB's to store more softwares.. cmon guys, just email me how many GB's you want to help me out with and I will be happy to accept any thing! But I also store alot of (questionable?) things as well.. so yeah.. help me out with extra GB's!


I wanted to know how many if any (probably so..) of you archive (or store) your downloaded files, mainly program install files. Program install files include .rar/.zip/etc archives/installers, .exe installers, etc., the files that setup/install/unpack programs/files.

If so, do you have a certain way of archiving them? Do you spend a lot of time archiving them? Or just dump them into a "installers" or similar directory/folder?

Some reasons why I archive install files:
The most obvious reason is that if you ever need the install file for some/what ever reason, you have a local copy - You do not need to download the file again. This can be great for large (10mb+) & rare files. And a chore for small files, because if you need a small installer file, you probably just end up redownloading it, but this time the later version - I archive all downloaded installers.

Also some times when you want to download a file, you try to download it from the web, but some times it takes a very long time just to download a small file, either due to problems or what ever - now you either try to look for a mirror (another server/place where you can get the file) or, if you have a local copy, resort back to your local copy.

Another reason is, you may not have internet access, but you need an installer for what ever program.. your archive to the rescue :)

Some problems with archiving them:
Organizing them! If you are fussy then organizing can take up a lot of time.. too much time infact. One thing I've come to dislike is installer files without the version in their name.. some of you probably like this, but for me, it's extra work since I archive every download [Side note: I don't download a lot, but when I do download some thing I want to make sure I don't have to go thru the trouble of downloading it again, for what ever reason.]

For instace, let's say last month I downloaded skype.exe, and the version is at 3.00, now today I update my skype, and also save the .exe installer to a temp dir, ready to be sorted later.. So now I am free to do some clean up, so I go of to store skype.exe 4.00 to my Archives > Software > Messengers > Skype directory.. but hmm.. there is already a previous version of skype here with the same name (the old version).. What to do? Overwrite it with this newer version? Rename the older version? Rename the newer version... Rename both versions!? Sing the national anthem and hope they sort them selfs out!? Some of you would probably just overwrite the old version - fair enough. But myself, I like to keep versions in case I need to roll back to any one if I am having problems, missing features, disliking any version, etc. So I am left with two choice.. Rename the old, and rename the new.. Or create directories for each version.. The later is my preferred method of archiving the versions. [Mainly because searching for filenames can do wonders :Thmbsup:] Now if the installer was named skype_4.0.0.exe, this saves me from having to create extra directories for each version.. makes sense right? I can just dump them in the Skype directory, and have a nice listing of the different versions.

Disk space is another problem - ok, not really a good enough problem, especially in todays times ;D

Any thoughts, tips, remarks?

Living Room / Linux Genuine Advantage™
« on: October 04, 2007, 04:21 AM »
Linux Genuine Advantage™

Linux Genuine Advantage™ works by checking our licensing server periodically to make sure that the copy of Linux you are running is Genuine. This is determined by whether you have paid us the appropriate licensing fees. If you are out of compliance, and are past the grace period, logins to your machine will be disabled until the license fees are paid. How to log in to enter the license key when logins are disabled is left as an exercise for the reader.

Finally! Linux users can experience a feature that until now remained the exclusive domain of proprietary software.


Basic Info
App Namexplorer² [pro] (a.k.a xplorer2, x2, x²)
App Version Reviewed1.7.0.4 [Unicode] (30.Jun.07)
Test System SpecsWindows XP, 60GB HD, 1GB RAM, P4 4GHz
Supported OSesWindows 9x, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003, and Vista (!)
Support MethodsEmail support. Also has a large active user forum
Upgrade Policy"Although there is no explicit "free for life" upgrade policy for xplorer2,
all upgrades were free since 2004. At any rate I wouldn't base my selection
on the future so much as on what the software can do *now* to help me with
my file management tasks"
Trial Version Available?Yes - 21 day trial
Pricing Scheme$29.95 - 1 User License
Review Author Donation LinkClick Here to Donate Now
Screencast Video URLscreencasts and screenshots of xplorer² in action doing various operations.. check these out!
DisclaimerI am not affilaited with Zabkat, and this is a genuine review.

I did however email x²'s author and ask if I could get a discount.. (of course I had good reasons :P).. He said if I write a review or recommend x² to some  family members or friends that I could get a free copy.. so..

As a reviewer of this program, I received a free copy of it for my own personal use. Either way, it was on my "to buy" software list (this is very new for me, lol :P)and I would have writen a review on DC regardless if I had gotten it free or purchased it ;)

xplorer² (x² from now on) is a windows based file manager. What exactly is a file manager? A file manager is some thing you use to arrange and organize your (computer) files.. If you are using Windows you are probably familiar with Windows Explorer - the stocked file manager that comes with windows.. it is heavily integrated in to the windows system. You may know from usage of Windows explorer is that is a) too slow, b) missing a lot of functions and c) lacking great customization - such as being able to hilite certain file types, save layouts, adding toolbars, etc.

Welcome to x²! One of the first things you will notice with x² is that it has 2 panes (2 window areas you can work with - at the same time).
2 panes you say? Yup, 2 panes.. you would be amazed at how much of a time saver this is when working between many folders.. Instead of switching between 2 or more Window Explorer windows, you can be in one x² window, working with folders side by side.. drag and drop (as well as cut and paste) operations are so much faster and easier!

x² can also use tabs.. Just like FireFox can have many tabs under one window/instance.. x² can have many tabs open on each pane.. take a look at the following screenshots to see what I mean:

Screenshot - 8_8_2007 , 9_47_18 PM.png Screenshot - 8_8_2007 , 10_00_23 PM.png Screenshot - 8_8_2007 , 10_05_01 PM.png Screenshot - 8_8_2007 , 10_40_41 PM.png Screenshot - 8_8_2007 , 10_45_26 PM.png
(you can choose to have the panes show in vertical or horizontal alignment/tililing - you'll find this option in the..  Window options! :) (tools > options)
(you can also hide/show the tree, quickview, mini-scrap, toolbars/buttons, with hotkeys)
If you don't like using tabs for file based management.. don't use them. I can say the same for dual panes, if you don't like them or aren't comfortable with them at first, you can turn dual panes of and just stick to the single pane for the time being.

These two features alone speed up so many tasks... not to mention, x² is pretty fast at working, you don't get a huge footprint in your memory. Take a look at these results (memory usage, indexing speeds, etc.)  against other similar file managers: xplorer² blog: objectively superior file manager? x² is only around 800kb in size!

Next feature I would like to talk about is the "Breadcrumbs". If you don't know what breadcrumbs are, like are like an indication of your current location within a website or, in this case, computer. x²'s breadcrumbs are very nice..  all you need to do is click on the folder you want to go to! Check out the following screenshot:

Screenshot - 8_12_2007 , 7_14_26 PM copy.png

Scrap Containers and the mini scrap,
Scrap containers are kind of like virtual folders where you can put files/folders from different locations (not move them or copy them, but point to them)  to do operations on.. For example, you can drag files from c:\abc, c:\abc\xyz, and c:\noop into a scrap container, and they will appear under the one folder/container (in a new window/instance of x2 if you like) so you can do tasks on them such as sorting, renaming, zipping, etc.

The mini-scrap,
The mini-scrap is just a small scrap container that sits under the Folder tree in the main x2 window (when active) .. you can drag any thing (program shortucts; so you have a quick way to launch your programs, folders/files; so you can perform operations on them more easily, without having to physically move all the folders/files, etc.

Screenshot - 8_12_2007 , 6_51_26 PM.png

Customizable user interface,
x² is highly configurable, you can show/hide toolbars, create your own toolbars,  customize detail view columns (name, size, etc.), hilite/color code certain file types, bookmark most used places for quicker/instant access.. and of course you can assign shortcuts/hot keys to most of the operations x² can do.

Update: as of the latest beta, you are now able to change icons for toolbar items.. Great! Many people who like a bit of style will love this.. Also the default x² toolbar icons can be skinned as well.. if you didn't like them :) I know I didn't.

Some other big features,
Power searching functions: Search for files everywhere, using arbitrary criteria. Find text within office, Adobe PDF and other documents.

Keyboard and Color customization,
Shortcuts, shortcuts, shortcuts, x² has a ton of shortcuts, and there's also a ton of shortcuts you could define yourself if you wanted to ;)  x² uses shortcuts for pretty much all of its functions.

Who is this app designed for
This app. is for people who are constantly working with files on a Windows computer, people who need a break from Windows Explorer and people who need some motivation to keep their computers organized.. :)

Basically it's for people who need a powerful file manager, with just enough features, to use on a Windows computer.

The Good
+Tabbed dual-pane interface  - faster and easier file management!

+Solid breadcrumbs - 1 or 2 clicks can get you to any folder on your computer!

+Very customizable: layouts, columns, bookmarks, toolbars, shortcuts,.. color coding, and now custom icons - you can customize x2 to the max!

+Powerful searching features: search files by properties like size, name, extension, date modified, (using boolen). Search for text inside pfd, word documents, etc.

+Quick Preview - instantly preview many file types within x².

+Scrap containers/mini scrap

+Execute DOS commands and scripts: run DOS commands directly from x²'s address bar.

+lots and lots of other handy features and functions such as file shredding, pasting directory structures with out files, making junction points,
check for duplicates, split & merge files, mirror browsing, compare folders, etc.

+Calculate sub-folder size in detail view.

+Icon overlay support (SVN, etc.)

+Unicode support; supports many languages!  :Thmbsup:

Needs Improvement
I haven't used it that long to say what needs improvement but one thing that I am not fond of is the item selections.. some times the lines aren't being redrawn/refreshed so you can see old lines, etc - just a simple thing :)

Update: (27th Jan 2008), I have been using x² for a while now, one thing that I would like to see is the system tray icon have some left/right click options.. Perhaps some usual options like "Exit x²" (well *at least* an exit option), "Stay On Top / Always On Top", etc.

What about single left click brings x² up from the tray instead of double.. Should be options for these small things :'(

A global hot key to bring x² up!

Also, I would like the window name to show just "x² - " not "xplorer ² - " as it it takes up too much room when the prog is minimized.

Why I think you should use this product
I think you should use (and support!) this program if you like it.. because, it really is worth it.. File management is so much easier with this power tool.
The quickstart guide is nicely written and documents most of x²'s functions & uses (much more than what I've briefly discussed). The x² community have also written a pdf manual for x² - this is available free (you get it with the help file & quickstart guide..)

The program is simple and easy to use, very customizable as I have previously said.

How does it compare to similar apps
There are quite a lot of other file managers for Windows, things that set x² apart from those are its cool breadcrumbs, tabbed dual-pane interface, powerful searching engine, scrap containers.

xplorer² pro is a very good windows explorer alternative/replacement, reducing a lot of your time by helping you to do file tasks quickly, and efficiently. I have only touched on a few features of x² here, mostly the ones I'm using, there are many more to be discovered, in fact what I've gone through is only the very tip of the iceberg.. a lot of people (like myself) find great needed and wanted features while exploring for them self what x² can do..

I give xplorer² [pro] a solid rating of 9/10  :Thmbsup:

Other reviews of this application
can be found on the x2 website, here

Resources: - Official xplorer² homepage - many screencasts and screenshots of xplorer² in action doing various operations.. check these out! - Official blog, of xplorer²'s developer - contains helpful articles on using xplorer², as well as tips and tricks - Official xplorer² forums (also has sub forums for other products, such as the freeware version of xplorer² and older products (although not being updated any more.).

The forums are very active with tips and tricks on how to better customize/arrange xplorer² to your likings. A few people seem to be making extra plugins/extensions to add *more* abilities .. Just when you thought it had ended ;)

Screenshot Captor, an award-winning screenshot capturing program. - Used to make the screen shots in this review ;)

This was my 200th post.. I've been with DC for a year now.. and I've always found myself comming/referring back to the site, reviews, forums, etc. for many tasks. :)

edit: Added some updates regarding "Needs Improvement" and the custom icon and default toolbar skin support :) and today I made my 300th post.. :)


I know that you can change the My Documents (C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents by default) location in WinXP via the registry (either manually or by using a tool such as TweakUI XP, etc.)

And you could also use a junction in place of the standard My Documents folder that points to your new location..

I wanted to know what would be the best way of changing the default location for My Documents, My Music, etc.

What it be best to just change the locations via the registry? Or would it be better to use junctions? Would using junctions be too much for such a simple thing? Does using one or the other effect any programs seeking those special folders?

Hi, this website may be of interest to some of you developers and designers - it's a project based upon making web application integration easy.. you know.. having a blog, forum, wiki, etc. all rolled into one website, all while maintaining a consistent look and feel. Of course management of all web applications would ideally be done through one administration panel (one time login).

What are you guys opinions on this? Do you have any interest in such a project? Would you contribute your own advice and code/design on how to integrate the web applications you like to use?

Finished Programs / SOLVED: desktop icon manager/grouping
« on: January 22, 2007, 10:00 AM »
Hi there,

Was wondering if it's possible to make an app that controls how desktop icons are displayed.
Desktop icons by default when created are place on top left of screen or more so under the previous icon on left part
of the desktop.

Is it possible to, say, have a program to control where new icons are placed? For example:
all new .txt files are placed in a designated spot, or box on the right side of the desktop..
and shortcuts are placed on left, while .doc files are placed on the right side on the bottem..

Imagine the desktop split in 3 parts, each "box" is an area where icons will go

I know this would help me alot because I have work files (mainly .doc's) and work unrelated files (like what ever).
Some times I will make a background wallpaper with sections with titles like: "temp", "work", etc.

Ok hold on, let me find an old background I used for a little while..
* mitzevo searches for it..


see how I have a section for temp files.. Now that I've gone thru great pains of attaching that image I might as well do some mock ups of how some program might manage icons..
* mitzevo dabbles..

ok see this attempt at trying to convey my meaning...


the grid like or division like lines could be toggled/turned on/off, what ever the user wants.. or maybe this is just an unneeded feature.. anyway
maybe this could be the beginning of an advanced desktop organizer with regions that can be controlled..

any ways does any one have any thing to say about this? I tried looking for some thing like this a while back and only found desktop icon position savers, and related.

Living Room / Ask A Ninja?
« on: December 07, 2006, 10:33 AM »
I found this site   ;D

Screenshot - 12_7_2006 , 11_03_11 AM_thumb.png

totally crack up videos.. like this one - what is podcasting.. if you've got time to waste, you should watch some of the vids, you can ofcourse view them on youtube as well..


[edit: I added image - please people always attach an image to your post if possible]

Best E-mail Client / Thunderbird now has inline spell checking..
« on: December 03, 2006, 06:42 PM »
Thunderbird now has inline spell checking..
Yes, that's right.

I don't know when it was added and I'm too lazy to research this fact but I am just informing that now this feature is in Thunderbird.

I think the best email client review needs a revision for 2007 as I think it is pretty old and some of the points pointed out might not be point able any more with the newer versions of the applications talked about.

Good day.  ;D

yah what subject sez.. k thx.

hehe  ;D

i would like to run a hotkey at system start up.. reason is i have a program that locks the computer that uses a hotkey to execute but there is not option to have it lock at start up.. so thats why a tiny app like this can help me.

thanks  8)

Living Room / 'Hactivism' Group Launches Anonymous Browser
« on: September 24, 2006, 11:09 AM »
Dubbed "Torpark" and based on a portable version of Firefox, the browser will run from a USB drive so that it leaves no installation tracks on the PC.

source: InformationWeek

This sounds like some thing very useful, and well in demand in todays times.

Check this baby out:

Basic Info

App NameAceText
App Version Reviewed2.0.2 - 22 July 2006
Test System SpecsWindows XP (Home), 60GB HDD, 1024MB Ram, P4 4GHz
Supported OSesWindows 9x, ME, NT4, 2000 and XP
Support MethodsE-mail. Has a very good help file.
Upgrade Policyfree minor updates and bug fixes.
Trial Version Available?Yes! I'm using it now! I wrote this review in it! 30 Day Trial; start up nag/splash and some functions disabled.
Pricing Scheme$39.95 - 1 User License
Author Donation Link None.
Screencast Video URLNone.

ClipHistory - Unlimited Cut, Copy and Paste

All Collections - Instantly Search All Your Clips

Recycle Bin - Rescue Deleted Information


This is is very cool. It's an information manager.. well, a text information manager, make that plain text :P
Which I think this makes it consistent to work with. You can write/paste/import notes, to-do lists, ideas, thoughts,
projects, any text in AceText and save them in a Clip/Collection. You can sort all clips by folders
to arrange them nicely and neatly.

But wait.. that's not all.. It's other power (one of the many few) is also a being a GREAT clipboard extender..
any power user needs one of these, and AceText is the program to use! This is an invaluable tool.. The text
handling operations you can do a far and forth.

Who is this app designed for
This app. is for people who have text going thru their clipboards/boxes obsessively.. people who need to store
all their text/code/notes/ in one place (you can encrypt Clips/Collections), basically any text goblin.

The Good

Well I work with text ALOT. I mean it, I do! This tool is one of my fav. apps pretty much. I can create entire
projects in this thing. I store all txt/code in here - saves having many .txt, etc. files with single
notes/ideas/snippits of code etc.

+The interface is very clear and appealing to the eye. (not as funky as editpad pro :P)

+The Clipboard functions are a powerful aspect of this program which helps with your text operations immensily.

Coding, writing, keeping notes, writing lyrics, collecting information, collecting links.. and more, you can do it all
with this program.

I used to have a lot of .txt files for each note or piece of code/text I had.. I store it all in AceText now.

+You can search all clips! Really great feature.

+Read and Publish RSS Feeds

Needs Improvement

I don't really know of any needed improvents yet. Maybe some one can help me out here..
I haven't really used it for that long. Only 5 days now with trial.. haha. But I know it's a program I
am going to invest on.

Why I think you should use this product

You should use this product because it's your text god! No seriously, any power user will consider this one of the

How does it compare to similar apps

There alot of other apps in this catogary (PIM).
This one is a coders/writers dream. The interface is professional, nice and easy to work with -
no icons/colours/etc. that distract you from your task at hand.

Easy to learn how to use.. The help file is very informative and teaches you how to use the program with ease.

The Clipboard history function only saves text which is consistent with being a hardcore text manager program.


AceText is a powertool for text handling.. a powertool for coders, writers, information collecters, and any one
working with text.

I give AceText a solid rating of 9/10  :Thmbsup:

Links to other reviews of this application

Google: acetext review OR reviews

Download site reviews.. with site quotes.. Note really worth linking.. (what?.. I only checked the first page of results :P)

Living Room / I'm impressed with DonationCoder... Are you?
« on: August 05, 2006, 01:37 AM »
Well I just have to say.. that I am impressed with DonationCoder.
Why would I be impressed (who wouldn't :P?!) you ask?

Put quite simply, this is a friendly place.
The quality and atmosphere of DonationCoder is great.
The software is very helpful, and so are the official reviews (saves me having to find the best of the best :P)

That is why I donated. I'm glad I found this place (well really f0dder hinted it to me by releasing his great fSekrit program here, thanks f0dder  :)).
I hope to make this a new home for myself :Thmbsup:

Any other people care to comment of DonationCoder?

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