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Topics - zircle [ switch to compact view ]

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Tested on the Archive and the Installer version of FARR.

Version v2.104.02 was grabbed through FARR's updater.
Plugins located in the Plugin folder in the FARR Directory are not loaded.
Refreshing the plugins do not result in the plugins being recognized.

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Canceled NANY 2012 Pledge: Iyuee
« on: December 30, 2011, 05:11 AM »
Application Name Iyuee
Version 0.01
Short Description A website that allows you to create a group with your friends/housemates to keep track of payments/receipts.
Supported OSes Win7 - Firefox/Chrome/Internet Explorer
Web Page none yet

Essentially, you create a group (you) and you invite your friends (housemates) and you all add 'items' (gas, food, etc) from whatever (receipts) and list payee's. Displays how much each person needs to pay and items are crossed out when they're taken care of (but they persist for recordkeeping).

So.. I intended for this to have more, but I kind of ran out of time so meh. I'll be updating this after the final release, but you can consider this as a 'receipt tracker' and completed (and just expect anything and everything else to be an unexpected surprise).

EDIT: There were a couple of things that needed to go in that I didn't get the time to include. I'll still release the app, but it'll be a New App, Normal Year.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / ShowDesktop
« on: December 10, 2011, 05:01 AM »
This is my first plugin and consequently is as simple as it seems. This plugin will show your desktop (in effect minimizing all other windows).

Install this by extracting the contents into your FARR's plugin folder.
To use it, type
and hit enter.

The desktop icon does not work nor do I have permission to use it, but I was thinking of something like this http://ssx.deviantar...esktop-Icon-81718627

I think I might consolidate this plugin with the WindowManagement one provided by jgpaiva found here https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=9368.0

I did a board search and didn't find anything that actually did this so I decided to release it. Apologies if this is a copy.

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