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I think it is time for me to put my software, Splinter DC Splinter page , into the public domain. I doubt I am ever going to be able to work on/with it, anymore. I would rather have it expanded upon and be bettered by better folks, than me, then to not due to me wanting to keep the source secret. Maybe some type of "centrallized" location that I would be able to visit and see how it is progressing...  I have no idea how to do this or where to start and I should have done it long ago.

A bit biased I may be, but, SHOCKINGLY, I believe it to be the most powerful/capable desktop interface software, already, and think that if I let it go it will only become better. (would 'have" to, right?)

Any ideas or thoughts or suggestions or critiques of what I am thinking about doing would be appreciated.

Here is a demo vid and a jenky tutorial. They are probably irrelevant for the purpose of this discussion but I don't know what you need to know in order to best advise me, so....


Developer's Corner / SWF to EXE souce into public domain interest?
« on: January 05, 2014, 12:03 AM »

There is another Splinter thread here Less Imagery, More Discussion Based Splinter Thread

Splinter is a real-time still imagery in motion desktop interface / super simple imagery based programming language, and the ultimate desktop customizer. It turns your desktop into Wonderland, where the impossible becomes possible, and it is only limited by the imagination.

It combines the 5 most commonly used desktop application functionality genres:

File Launcher, Icon Docking Station, Stack Docklet, Wallpaper Flipper, Visual Style Editor

in a unique way, giving it uniquely amazing abilities that have never been seen


Splinter Download Page

Addition Edition Splinter Demo

Icon-ic Edition Splinter Demo

3 Minute Dock Creation Tutorial

Splinter Features, Functions, and Usages

Alice Edition Splinter Reboot Fly-through

Splinter and Speech Recognition

Crowbars and Coffins (Arkham Edition Storyline)

Eternity Edition Visualblast

Splicon Dock Image/Text Tutorial

Splinterface Downloads

Hello. First I will say that  the "Release the source without the program being open source" topic does not answer my question below, as mine pertains ONLY to a forum and "acknowledgement", no restriction on distribution or alteration. Cannot find an answer to this ANYWHERE.

 I have a SWF to EXE converter app, written in C# that I am planning on "releasing".. This will be my first release and the app is "complete", but I would like to host a project on my site dedicated to the further development on it. A couple of questions:

1 Would there be any "interest" in this? ("professional" opinions, not personal, using knowledge of open source topics) I do not know of any and the app is really cool IMHO. Very simple, though, just the conversion options, no added scripting abilities like SWFKit and Jugglor and such.

2 Am I "allowed" to require that the "project" be hosted on my forum? I will not restrict any use of it, at all, in any way. I simply think that if I release such a thing, I should be able to admin the site that people discuss it...I do not, in definitive language, see this answered in the "open source definition".

So would it not be "open source" if I did this? To be honest, I just want to be able to "have" , for "narcissistic" reasons, a site I can show off as what I started and  be "front and center" when amazing new things are added to it.

I will release it either way, however, if this would make it no longer open source, what would it be?  I would simply enjoy the admin aspect, ALL use of code and alteration would be allowed as well as distribution and such...I suppose I would "require" a link or acknowledgement in the distribution packages, though, too....Would be a shame if these "acknowledgement" desires would negate its open source....ed..ness

Thanks for help

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