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is that possible to  have the
Syllable Counter & Word Count for arabic/english
like if i have the text in english and i want Syllable Counter  for arabic ? so it will be easy for me to have translation in arabic with in the limit ?
kindly update

Post New Requests Here / CSV/Excel Parsing & Formatting Utility
« on: April 23, 2012, 05:54 PM »
i have a csv file which has 4 columns  Time in , Time out ,  Name ,  Text
"00:04:37:08","00:04:38:20","AYLA","May I take my phone back Duran?",

now what i want that .. i also have a excel file which has many columns .. few with  TC IN .. TC OUT Actor name
what i want is to have tool in which i import the csv file  and where ever the text  Missing dialogues or Missing Dialogue or Missing Dialogue! or Missing Dialogues! come
like this one
"00:10:24:16","00:10:25:11","DÜRİYE","missing dialogue!",

it copy the Time in code to my excel TC IN Column and Time out to TC OUT Columnn  And as Duriye is actor name it copy that Name to Actor Name column that is all
and so on just check the line 1 by one where ever it comes it gives me the result on that excel format
check the samples

Hello Donation  Coder
I need a Text Parsing Tool which import Word Files like RTF DOC DOCX and give result in Excel after calculation of NO of total lines spoken by  per actor read below for description (see attached file for out put result and also one one SCRIPT is attached Script i means Drama script).

This tool is used to import any script or scripts upon wish and it gives us the number of lines for all the actors with the option of removing (reac) and other things. and it gives us an excel file with the actor name on the left and the lines per episode.

( many actor names are very large do check them )

Example: If the actor name is not followed by a sentence then the whole line doesn't count.

It must not count the lines which just have  only reactions which are inside ( )   ... if there are dialogues contain these reactions it must count them.. but need to have some option  to remove any thing inside the ()

well scripts are in DOC RTF DOCX format .... and each word file is 1 episode
need to follow the same script format which is attached and its i rtf format but need the tool to load and calculate from any word file
in the attached  excel file ....personges (French word which means Actor) are actors name taken from the script automatically ...   just skip commediens row as we have put the row containing different actor names  manually ...
in episodes you can see number of episodes  ... example very first actress is rosy  she has spoken 20 lines in episode 40  and so on .. and after it gives total number of lines spoken by rosy from episode 40 to 60
i think it can be on .net with office integration  or what ever best you people think  ... can code in any programming language...

i am not sure if i am allowed to put my msn id .. but if  i am doing wrong Admin you can edit the post ..
my msn id is princesssaira at  if any more information needed can contact me

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