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Messages - ThalSwe [ switch to compact view ]

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DC Gamer Club / Re: Steam, and the gift of game...
« on: November 30, 2008, 09:00 AM »
Yeah, I feel the same way about this community. Really friendly and nice people here so can really say that I am proud to be a member here. y0himba got me the games and I couldnt be happier. Yay for DC.

DC Gamer Club / Re: Steam, and the gift of game...
« on: November 30, 2008, 07:39 AM »
Decided to jump into this old thread again (instead of creating a new one) since I need some help with getting some "restricted" games from Steam due to Ubisoft and Atari having their odd ways of publishing. Was helped once before by our friendly member Deozaan to get Beyond: Good and Evil and that I am very VERY greatful for. This time around the games are a more expensive so guess its a smaller chance that someone will help me.

The first one of them is "The Witcher: Enhanced Edition" that I have been wanting to play for a longer time and hoped that Atari would eventually change their publishing policy as they company who made the game is European but they only changed it to be avalible for Eastern European countries.

The other game is the new "Prince of Persia" which I am really intersted in. As Ubisoft put it up on Steam they decided to have a complete pack of all the Prince of Persia games and since I am a bit of a game collector (110+ games on Steam) and since I never got a chance to play Warrior Within and Two Thrones I'd like to get my hands on the Prince of Persia Pack.

Prince of Persia Pack $64.99
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition $39.99

I'll gladly sent the money by Paypal to the person(s) that can help me get the games and if you are uncertain you can trust me I can send the money to you before you gift me the game. Also have extra gift copies of Half-Life 2 and GTA: Vice City that I can gift away to the person who helps me out :)

If nobody can help me out I guess I have to stick it out and wait for them to change. Stranger things have happened.

DC Gamer Club / Re: Steam, and the gift of game...
« on: September 08, 2008, 01:51 PM »
Not sure if its permanently (as they might change their mind eventually) but currently UbiSoft and...think Atari dont sell any of their games on Steam outside Canada/USA. Might even be another one or two publishers doing the same but simply not to the same exstent.

DC Gamer Club / Re: Steam, and the gift of game...
« on: September 08, 2008, 01:04 PM »
You can only buy the games in Canada and USA and not in Europe where I live (or any of the many many other countries in our world). Its a choice from the publisher to simply not sell the games outside of North America. But its perfectly possible to buy the game as a gift if you live in any of those two countries and gift it to one of us...not so fortunate (gaming wise).

So if someone across the pond buys the game as a gift and sends it to my account I would be able to get and play it without a problem :)

DC Gamer Club / Re: Steam, and the gift of game...
« on: September 04, 2008, 10:16 AM »
In the spirit of this thread i'll borrow it due to Steams reginal restrictions. Been wanting to get "Beyond Good and Evil" for a while now and as I really enjoy Steam and use it a lot I would love to get a hold of this game as well.
Can donate the money over PayPal or in the spirit of giving games gift back a game to the person who helps me (a slightly more expensive one that is so the person benefits from the trade).

Thanks in advance :)

If nothing else I can be found as Chris Fifty-Two (or ThalSwe) on Steam and always up for a friendly game or two.

Added my vote to support the launcher I personally find to be the best: Lau....just kidding. FARR definatly is my choice in this case. The community around it is a bit part of that :)

Living Room / Re: Get-togehter: Scandinavia / Denmark
« on: March 21, 2008, 02:45 PM »
Not at all. So as long as the timing works for me its not too far to travel nor will it cost me that much money, which currently is one of the bigger issues. So little money and SO much to spend it on  :-* *drifts of daydreaming*

Living Room / Re: Get-togehter: Scandinavia / Denmark
« on: March 21, 2008, 01:34 PM »
ThalSwe, where in Sweden do you live?

I currently live in BorĂ¥s and if you are clueless to where that is you find it about 65 km's east - north/east of Gothenburg (something like get the idea).

Living Room / Re: Get-togehter: Scandinavia / Denmark
« on: March 20, 2008, 10:33 AM »
I am definatly interested but might be tricky for me to actually do for a number of reasons.
As I work at a school its sometimes tricky to get time of, more so as it is a school for handicapped kids and the student I am currently working with is rather depending on his assistants (thats me and two others). My girlfriends is also moving in with me the comming month (might not be in the way depending on when this get-together is) so will have to organize and do all the practical things around that.

But count me in. Somehow I should be able to get there.

Living Room / Re: Poo time?
« on: March 19, 2008, 03:12 PM »
Seen in two different newspapers in Sweden too (one of them being Metro) so the, somewhat unbelivable, story has spread quite far.

Tried a few of them out and my favorite was Orbash. Was just straightforward in gameplay and felt polished troughout.
Enjoyed both the graphics and the update function. Could easily find this addictive in terms of trying to reach a higher score.
And even more of it gets more work and somehow ends up in a even more evolved form I am sure to be a big fan :D

Living Room / Re: look at the size of my mouse mat !!!
« on: February 27, 2008, 06:53 AM »
That would be silly amounts of wasted space for me as I hardly move the mouse sideways/up/down. Do see the benefit when you for some reason reposition the mouse across the desk every now and again and still be able to move it as smoothly everywhere.

Looks quite nice tho. Been using the same old mousepad for years. One that my mom got from her workplace but been unable to find one to beat it. Guess I am to cheap to get a new one when the old one "works" ;)

Is that two Cody mugs I am spotting being used as penholders?  :P

Just have to make a tiny comment about the not-so-clever name Xobni (revered Inbox). Dont generally mind playing with words etc. but that was almost a bit too tacky for my taste. And personally I dont see much problems with the color schemes but guess it could use some tweaking or even user customization.

Other then that it looks like an alright piece of software. Dont use Outlook myself so doesnt suit my needs.

Looks interesting. End up reading large chunks of text every now and again on the computer and could be interesting to try out.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Google Calendar Quick Add
« on: February 19, 2008, 06:00 AM »
Nice work czechboy. You have been a resouce for the FARR community recently. Keep it up :)

Living Room / Re: tip: check your mouse before going to red alert.
« on: February 19, 2008, 05:59 AM »
Just think what it does to your head then!

As much as I end up using my cellphone I am sure my brain will have minor (or major) "BSOD" of its own pretty soon  ;)

Official Announcements / Re: February 2008 Software Drawing Winners
« on: February 18, 2008, 10:15 AM »
Congratulations to all the winners :)

Skrommel already played on the dragqueen name with his "dragking" auto-copy script. Kind of like the idea as it will be easy to remember (above dragscreen that is). WinDrag (or flip the words) is an option as well. Indicates that you drag windows AND use the win key to do so.

Living Room / Re: The Longest Joke in the World
« on: February 17, 2008, 11:00 AM »
Read this joke quite some time ago when I found it on the Neowin forums and I truely enjoy it. Always like a well told story and..I am a sucker for word-jokes :P So I would have been in those 11% and hope the profiling on those suits me too  ;)

Never had any problems finding DC stuff on google and honestly find it a LOT when I search around just like jazper mentioned above but maybe it does it only with new(er) post rather then all of them.

Personally dont have anything against the google adverts if they maybe could help the page and possibly make it better indexed.

General Software Discussion / Re: What's your music player of choice?
« on: February 17, 2008, 10:21 AM »
Just a small heads-up for users of Billy. It recently got a update  :-*

Version 1.04i beta - Feb 15 2008
FLAC support support (playing history)
ID3v2.4 tag support (view only in properties)
Musicbrainz support and replaygain values extracted, no support yet.
Recording with "pre" functionality in radio streams
Dedicated shortcuts for Shuffle/Repeat
Thanks all for the patients..

Quite a nice update if you ask me. Definatly ensured its spot on my usb stick :)

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Process Kill Killed FARR
« on: February 17, 2008, 09:59 AM »
That didnt happen to me when I updated earlier. Odd.

Never really looked at the resource usage for my browsers when I use them simply isnt a big deal to me. If I surf I...well surf and dont use most other programs so dont mind if it takes some extra rescources and if I DO need to something else I minimize Opera and then it uses a lot less. Works for me.

I keep using opera for the browsing speed, costumizability in looks (sure, you can do this with Firefox too but it never feels as cleen and smooth as me as Opera does) and security. It also loads faster then the others I tried and thats good for impatient me ;)

Looking forward to it.  :)

Would be interested if I just had a car...or even a licence but I dont. Could carry one on my shoulder bag instead ;)

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