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General Software Discussion / Re: musicIP (as a player): wow
« on: April 14, 2008, 10:45 PM »
Definitely not abandonware - we are a bit later getting the new version out than I would've liked, because we've been working on some new stuff which I hope will be worth the wait.  We should also be announcing some extremely cool stuff in the next three months, but I can't say anything about that just yet...

EDIT: wonder how long it's been available? MusicIP Mixer 1.7 still reports no updates available, yet the website reports the current version as 1.8. Oh well...

1.8 was "officially" released on the 18th, just before I left for vacation - the auto-updates will get turned on next week.  There's usually a week or so delay on the auto-updates, which spreads out how many people are updating at once.   I'll also update the blog after vacation.

No clue on the icon, though - which version of Windows is this on?


If you need a few more MusicIP licenses for some "extra" winners, let me know, and I'll be happy to take care of it.

General Software Discussion / Re: musicIP (as a player): wow
« on: May 25, 2007, 12:08 PM »
I couldn't find any way to say mine was more accurate. OR convince MusicIP that its data was incorrect.

This should be improved, for sure - as it turns out, the way to give the feedback is to select the bogus items, and press the Delete key.  You'll get a popup where you can choose what feedback to send.

General Software Discussion / Re: musicIP (as a player): wow
« on: May 24, 2007, 11:24 PM »
Pretty much.  The "find duplicates" feature won't work unless they've been fingerprinted, but that's about it.  And of course tag fixing, but if the tags are already correct you don't care about that.

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